Day 15: Point of view

15 0 0

March 9, 2024

Papyrus goes into an elevator and presses the UG button.

The elevator reaches the destination and the doors open and Papyrus gets out of it.

Papyrus pulls out a flashlight and turns it on.

Papyrus: If I remember, the entries should be here somewhere. . .

Papyrus searches room to room until finding the entries in the scientist's office.

Papyrus: There it is!

Papyrus: . . . Where's Entry 0?

Sans comes out of the elevator and pulls out a flashlight.

Papyrus checks every locker and breaks the safe, obtaining Entry 0.

A beam of flashlight appears at the window of the office.

Papyrus: (Sans is here too? I gotta get outta here before he knows!)

Sans: I wonder where are the entries-

Papyrus covers his face and bumps at Sans and running away.

Sans: Hey! Come back here!

Sans chases after Papyrus and Papyrus drops the entries in a hurry.

Sans: . . . This isn't over yet!

Sans: It's time to read these before anyone finds out. . .

Papyrus gets into the elevator and goes to the top floor.

Papyrus: Entry 0.

"No one should know about this entry."

"If Agent -2, Papyrus, is reading this entry. . . I lied. He's still alive."

"Agent -3 has escaped after the first weapon made, the one shot gun."

"It's unknown where did he go and the public doesn't seem to know either."

"It's a high possibility that he escaped to a different world. But it's still unknown."

"Dr. W.D Gaster, out."

Papyrus: . . . Template. . . he's still alive.

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