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December 4, 2020

A day before, I woke up in the new home. And I see Jack and Rusty in the other bed. (No idea why did they sleep together.)

I approach Alphys to talk about when is it healing to take off the bandage cuz it's really to navigate with only half of my vision. And she said it takes one more day to do it. So I did.

And well, with nothing else to do, my first idea. . .

I asked Asgore to train with the kids.

Why? Self defense, that's why.

If they're seven of the survivors out there, they need to defend themselves from the wild.

And of course, I needed some time for myself to do my own things. That lasted for 2 hours. Somehow, the blue heeler, Bluey, found me in my house. How did she even know?

And she gave me a request that I wish that she didn't say.

Bluey: Can you train me?

Karma:  Well, sure? I'm not the type to do things like that-

Bluey: I mean, your powers.

Karma: . . . Hah?

Bluey: Jack told me about how you made a flying bullet levitating with your hand!

Karma: Oh. That.

Bluey: So, can you train me with that?

Karma: Well, you're a dog and I'm a skeleton made of magic and blood. But we monsters got our powers straight from our soul so are you sure you wanna do this?

Bluey: Yes.

Karma: . . .

I was stumped on Bluey's determination. I want to say no since I want to rest for at least a day but I can't say it to a face like that.

Karma: Alright, you can.

Bluey: Yay!

Karma: Don't get excited yet since this is my first time doing it. (I wish that my brother was here so that he can help me out.)

Karma: Since walking might take a while, how about we take a quick shortcut?

Bluey: A quick wha-

Karma teleports with Bluey to the judgement hall.


Karma: That is a shortcut of mine. Or my brother calls it, teleportation.

Karma: It's one of my powers. And that includes bones, blasters, blue magic, karmic retribution, telekinesis, and somehow seeing code and files of my world and yours.

Karma: It's not that much, I can tell y-

Bluey: So cool!!!

Karma: . . .

So, I began training with her. It's kinda fun for the first 10 minutes and after that, looks like the kids found out about it and wanting to be trained by me.

I can't really train them all myself so I had an idea.

I gathered up a list on what kind of magic should they be trained with each.

I decided Bluey gets mine, Bingo gets my brother's, Rusty gets Undyne's, Jack gets Alphys', Muffin gets the king's, and Socks gets the former queen's.

Still in thought for Mackenzie's.

And I just realized about something. How can I train about the powers from the ones that are already dead!?

Sure, I can do Bluey's, Jack's, and Muffin's, but I'm still back to square one.

Karma: (Think, Sans. Think! How do I teach them if the user from it are dead?!)

Unless. . . I thought of something. An idea that might sound crazy without the reset.

. . . A revival.

Karma SansWhere stories live. Discover now