
81 0 0

December 1, 2020

Karma: Alright, I wonder if there's any ketchup in this world?

I wander around the world to find ketchup but all I found is. . . some gravestones.


. . . Hundreds of gravestones.

Karma: What kind of world is this!? Some kind of horror film!?

As I got out of the graveyard, I was in shock of houses and not just that, they are either completely destroyed or just damaged. One of them has a whole side missing.

Karma: I should have expected better when the player has this location.

Karma: But there's no way that one person caused all of this! Unless. . . it was loads of them.

Karma: If players have entered this world, there's a 99% chance they caused all of this.

Karma: But what's the reason? And do they have to go this far!?

Karma: Hmm, I don't think the world doesn't work like mine. No reset nor save points.

Karma: Let me check at the code real quick.

I checked the codes of the world and found something in it, or to say someone.

A few people are still alive and they're there somewhere. Of course I can't teleport to the places since I didn't know the place very much, so I walked to the destination with a tracking device.

As I arrived at one of the destinations, it looks like uh. . . some sort of school? Weren't schools supposed to be bigger than that?

Back to the topic, since it was dark, I pulled out a flashlight Alphys gave me before I left.

Karma: Hello? Is anyone here?

Karma: I have no means to hurt you. Just show yourself-


And then, someone came behind me.

Karma: (Well, this has gone on a bad start.)

A: Turn around, intruder.

I listened to the voice and turned around. I couldn't see who it was but I know he's pointing a gun at me.

A: Who are you? You're not one of those people, are you-

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