5. Hero - Yes or No ?

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Melissa's pov :

As Lisa grappled with her lack of options, frustration bubbled up inside her like a simmering pot ready to boil over. Despite her formidable magical abilities, she found herself at the mercy of this mysterious dimension, forced to rely on the actions of others to secure her escape.

With each passing moment, her sense of helplessness grew, gnawing away at her resolve like a relentless predator. She knew she had no choice but to wait, to bide her time in this strange and unfamiliar realm until someone else stumbled upon her plight.

The other option with her, highly unreliable was : to wait. Wait till someone in the actual world creates a portal or lands up in this dimension.

As she settled into her uneasy vigil, a wave of vulnerability washed over her, leaving her feeling exposed and defenseless. The weight of uncertainty pressed down on her shoulders, suffocating her with its suffocating embrace.

How long would she have to endure this limbo?

Would anyone even notice her absence, let alone come to her aid?

"Of course they would. Like duh! I'm the apple of everyone's eye! Hehe"

The void earned a chuckle from her.

These questions occupied her mind, swirling around like a whirlpool threatening to drag her under. In the vast expanse of the dimension, she felt utterly alone, cut off from the world she knew and the people she cared about.

The unknowns weighed heavily on her, amplifying her sense of isolation...

As she waited in the stillness of the dimension, time stretched out before her like a vast expanse of uncharted territory. In the quiet moments between her restless thoughts, Lisa stole some time to be drawn inward, compelled to reflect on the journey that had brought her to this point.

Had she changed since embarking on this journey?

The answer echoed within her with unwavering certainty:

YES, she had.

Despite the challenges and trials she had faced, she had emerged stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before.

In the quiet solitude of the dimension, she found clarity amidst the chaos, a newfound sense of purpose guiding her forward.

"Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I'd find myself in a place like this."

Lisa murmured to herself, her voice tinged with a mix of awe and disbelief.

"But here I am, standing on the threshold of the unknown, facing challenges I used to think impossible."

She paused, her gaze sweeping across the dimly lit expanse of the dimension.

"They say that a Luminaire never gives up."
She continued, her voice growing stronger with each word.

"And now, more than ever, I understand the truth behind those words. Despite everything I've faced, every obstacle in my path, I'm still standing. Still fighting."

After a brief pause she continued,

"This journey has tested me in ways I never thought possible."

She admitted, a hint of vulnerability creeping into her tone.

"But it's also shown me what I'm truly capable of. The strength that lies within me, waiting to be unleashed."

Her chain of thoughts was interrupted when a sudden realization struck Lisa like a bolt of lightning, jolting her out of her reverie.

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