1. Memories

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The door creaked open, heralding the chaotic entrance of four energetic kids into the room, their voices clamoring for attention as they eagerly anticipated dinner. "Yeah, dinner!" they chorused excitedly, their youthful exuberance filling the air.

However, the joyous atmosphere quickly shifted as sibling rivalry reared its head. "Kids, c'mon, table manners," their mother interjected, trying to restore order amidst the escalating bickering.

Anne, the eldest daughter, was the lone beacon of calm amid the storm, responding to her mother's call with grace. "Fine, Mom," she replied, her tone tinged with a hint of resignation.

Among the trio of younger siblings were the mischievous twins, their playful banter escalating into a spirited argument. One twin, Jack, defended his youngest sister Lisa, while the other, Jin, ran behind her.

"Jack is and always will be my favourite unlike you. Heard it?" Lisa squealed playfully.

"And for me you will always be a rat."Jin retorted rapidly.

"As Lisa is a girl, you should be using the female version of rat, shouldn't you?" Jack questioned innocently.

"Um... Ferme la! " Jin's ingenious reply earns Anne's attention.

"Huh?" Jack tilted her head.

"Imma translate that." Anne reached out to her phone.

Their father, amused by the sibling dynamics unfolding before him, captured the scene on film, recognizing the preciousness of these moments.

"Are you really filming this cat and rat show, Dad?" Jack questioned incredulously.

With a knowing smile, their father assured Jack, "You'll appreciate these memories someday, kiddo."
'The END'
The words appear on the screen before it goes black.

Jack whispered softly as he stole a glance at the dusty frame hanging on Lisa's meticulously crafted "Wall of Memories."
His eyes welled up with tears as he whispered, "Yeah dad, I do realize now..."

Anne, seated beside him, sighed with annoyance. "I hope Jin stops with his French or I'll end up mastering it," she muttered under her breath.

From the kitchen, Jin's voice boomed, interrupting the moment. "Never!"

Lisa, resting her head on Jack's lap, chimed in reassuringly, "Don't worry, bro, you have me! I am ready to fight Jin 24/7 !"

Jin couldn't resist the opportunity to tease. "Crétin," he shouted from the kitchen.

In response, Lisa playfully retorted, "Crétin, you too!"

The banter between siblings filled the room with warmth and laughter, momentarily easing the weight of nostalgia hanging in the air.

Anne's observation broke the light-hearted atmosphere. "I think Jack was being serious a moment ago," she remarked, her tone carrying a hint of concern.

Jin, balancing a platter of delicious snacks, entered the room, his voice teasingly defensive. "U started it, girl!" he quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

Lisa, when she shot her eyes open, was immediately drawn to Jack's tear-streaked face. With a sense of urgency, she rose and tenderly wiped away his tears with her gentle touch.

Anne, noticing Jack's distress, joined in, offering him a tissue while her own eyes glistened with empathy.
Jin, setting the platter on the table, approached Jack and offered a comforting pat on the back, his own inner turmoil momentarily eclipsed by the shared sorrow.

As a tear escaped Lisa's eye, she couldn't bear to see her brother in pain.

Their tears were her weakness, a testament to the deep bond they shared as siblings.
"They are my gems!" Lisa thought, her heart swelling with love as she looked at her siblings. In their laughter and tears, she found her greatest treasures, precious jewels that illuminated her life with warmth and belonging. Each one unique, yet together, they formed an unbreakable bond, shining bright in the tapestry of her existence.

As she watched them support and comfort one another, she realized that in their presence, she possessed riches beyond measure.
They were not just her family; they were her gems, her most cherished possessions, forever glittering in the depths of her soul.
The only ones..

Writer's note:-
Chapter one out finally! Enjoy the read and leave your reviews in the comments!
Au revoir!

Why do you think were they crying?

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