Chapter Fifty: Of Golden Eyes

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The southern cliffs were quiet, save for the occasional birds overhead and the gentle sea waves below. The bleached trees scattered the dusty red path, and I was grateful to have changed into more comfortable clothes and shoes before our impromptu morning stroll. Lumo walked beside me, hands behind his back as we both waited for the other to speak.

Suddenly, Lumo stopped. He turned to me, arms reaching towards me, hesitating in the air, before they once more dropped to his side. I watched him, nervous and unsure as the sunlight glittered anew against his golden mask.

"Mira," he began, clearing his throat, "Why... why do you have my magic?"

"What?" I hesitated.

"Your eyes - I can see a piece of me there, although faded... How?" he took a slow step forward, "How am I there?"

I looked down, mind racing. I cleared my throat.

"Before I answer that - may I ask you something?"

"Anything," he said, lowering his head to mine.

I took a careful breath.

"Is it true - Did you wed Herculea?"

The question had burned bright in my mind as soon as our paths crossed again, yet, until now, I was afraid to ask. But, as the words left my mouth, I felt ashamed, embarrassed even, to bring it up.

Lumo stared back at me for a moment, quietly considering my question. He then looked up, watching a new flock of birds cross the path above while he seemed to search for an answer.

"I... I did what I had to do to survive," he said slowly, "And when fighting and protesting her wishes did not work, I feigned surrender to once more gain any sort of freedom," he said slowly, words careful and measured.

Of course.

"Perhaps we could sit a moment?" he asked softly, "I do believe there's quite a bit we need to talk about."

We found a spot nearby in the shade, letting the silence once more settle over us. I watched as Lumo picked idly at the dry grass, catching him looking up every so often at my gray hands. Once I noticed, I hid them in my sweater pockets, hoping to avoid the topic of void magic for as long as I could manage.

Lumo cleared his throat.

"It... it was not easy - being locked in the tower. I will... spare you the details but... I fought as long as I could, tried every way I could imagine to find some sort of escape - and was met with even greater resistance at each failed attempt... So I played my part. I became what she wanted - what she had always wanted me to be. And although it may have taken some time to build her trust - I was able to finally earn some freedoms."

I watched him sit for a moment, quiet once more in reflection as he tore a piece of grass into tiny dried specks, again and again. His jaw became tight once more as he swallowed hard.

"I did things I will never be proud of - and earned my way as companion and commander by her side, just as she had always intended. I was a perfect reflection of my brother, forever the right hand of Selphena, and followed every order with a smile of admiration... The night raid was yet another test - One that I had even suggested. For I knew that If I would ever find any sort of freedom again, it would be here. The final stop.

"I told her that I would prove myself - I would take a small army and eliminate Camp Twin Trees for good. A token of my affection in the form of thousands of dead blood mage - and gratefully - she accepted. And so my plans of a great escape fell into place."

He looked up from the grass and towards me, searching.

"Gods, was I surprised to see you there - of all people," he said softly, a smile dancing on his lips.

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