Chapter Ten: Of Farewells and New Faces

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Well - Maybe not as okay as I thought. Because when I exited the tent, both Lumo's and Gaelenod's expressions dropped. They were both by the fire, Lumo sitting and stirring a pot as he sat on the fell log. Gaelenod was standing near him, mouth full of leaves - stopping mid-chew. The morning mist was still thick in the air, and I held my cloak tight to my face, warming my cheeks.

"Good... morning," I said, concerned.

"Good morning, Mira... Did you... Did you sleep well?" Lumo said, holding back a smile.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Sorry - It's just... Did you have a rough night?" He said, with a grin.

"I... did, actually. Though I'm not sure what's so funny."

"Sorry, Lady Mira - but your hair is a sight to behold," Gaelenod said.

Great. Of course.

With a sigh, I frantically brushed through my hair with my fingers.

"Really though, what made it a rough night?" said Lumo.

"I had a nightmare. I..."

My mind flashed to what I remembered. The beach, the mirror, the crow.

"Were you... You were there, Lumo."

He gave a wide smile. "You dreamt about me, Mira?"

"No- No I... Nevermind," I shook my head, eager to change the subject. It was far too early in the morning to be teased. "Where are we going? To see your friend, as you said?"

"Yes," Lumo said, smile still wide on his face, "We will be seeing my old friend Ciro this morning. I do believe you'll like him, although he can be a bit eccentric at times."

Lumo handed me a bowl of some sort of potato stew - a bizarre concoction for breakfast, but I was still grateful. They both watched me, much to my discomfort, as I ate perhaps too large a spoonful as it immediately burned my tongue. The bowl however was a warm comfort in the morning chill.

"Are you not having anything, Lumo?"

"I... I don't eat."

"At all?"

"No... Just a side effect of my creation I suppose. I'm sure it's very lovely though - with all its... intricacies."

I grimaced before taking another bite.

"Why - Why was there food at your cabin then?"

"For guests," he replied shortly.


"Yes," Lumo said, continuing to stir the stew with increased intensity.

I took it as a sign to not pry any further, as much as I wanted to know more.

"Right," huffed Gaelenod, filling the uncomfortable silence, "You know when you say things like that, Prince Lumo, Lady Mira will surely assume you mean other-"

Lumo turned to Gaelenod abruptly, jaw tight.


We had only been on the trail for what felt like a few short moments before Gaelenod suddenly stopped. We had reached the treeline and before us were the beautiful sprawling Valencte Mountains. High, snow capped peaks filled the horizon before us, and Lumo flew down, transforming in a fabric swirl into his natural form just before landing in front of Gaelenod on the rocky gray ground.

"This, this is where I must stop my friends," the great moose huffed. "I cannot travel beyond this point, beyond my home... Beyond Yormen."

Lumo held out his hand for me to get off his back, and I reluctantly got off. Although uncomfortable at times, I had grown quite fond of my travels with Gaelenod, and certainly did not wish to say goodbye.

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