Chapter Seven: The Path Through Yormen

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I woke to find that I was not alone.

As I turned in the heavy blankets, letting the first light hit my dry eyes, I saw the stranger. Lumo was lounging on the couch, thumbing through one of many dusty books that had fallen off the shelves during Gaelenod's rampage yesterday. He was now wearing the same intricate mask as when I first saw him - covering all but his sharp jaw.

"You're awake," he said, not looking up from his book. "You had a long day yesterday - you deserved a good sleep in."

I lay back against the pillow, eyes wide and staring at the ceiling. As much as yesterday felt like a dream - here it was, and all very real.

"I saw that you met my friend Gaelenod. I didn't realize you were my lover. Very cheeky," he said while turning a page.

"I didn't -" I started, sitting up quickly to protest.

"Only kidding. Whether you made that up or he drew that conclusion himself - it works in our favor. The less eyes on you, the better."

"He called you 'Prince' Lumo," I said, placing my bare feet on the cold floor, "Yet I have not read of any Prince by your name."

Lumo looked up from his book, holding his page with a thumb, head cocked to the side.

"I suppose you're not reading the right books then," he said, before returning to his spot on the page.

"He also mentioned... He said that you aren't a human," I hesitated.

"Because I'm not," he answered, not looking up from the book this time.

"Well? What are you then?" I said, now frustrated by his non-answers.

He closed the book with a sudden slam, then looked to the ceiling, arching his long white neck backwards. "I'd like you to take a guess, Mira."

"A guess? You've taken me here away from my family and all that I know, and you wish for me to play games?" I scoffed. "Was it not you who promised me any answers I should need only yesterday?"

Then, much to my growing frustration, he began to laugh. I felt my nostrils flare in reflex, then shook my head. It was far too early for this.

"Please don't laugh at me," I sighed, "I have been laughed at far too often the past couple of days and your amusement at my ignorance is exhausting."

"I'm sorry for laughing, I do not mean to poke fun," he said through a wide smile, "But I don't often get chances to speak with... with people like you."

"People like me? Humans?" I shook my head, "So if you are not like... not like me... then what are you?"

He looked back at me expectantly, with the same sly smile on his face.

"Oh right, I am to guess," I rolled my eyes, "Well, I have already reasoned that you are not simply a glamoured imp or fae... You are certainly not one of the Four guardians either though you wear a face covering. Perhaps, you are a zealous devotee - or high-ranking mage of one of the Four? A rogue professor in hiding? Hence the hidden face?"

"Interesting, but no," he said as he began to tidy the pile of books on the ground. "Keep going."

"Well, I also considered a Void mage or even Void beast - but that wouldn't explain why you were sent to watch me at the ceremony. You made it seem like you were sent by Herculea herself to make sure everything went well."

"Because I was," he answered shortly.

It was my turn to laugh.

"I don't believe you."

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