Chapter Forty-Six: Cylie

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I awoke alone.

The cool rising water had found its way into my boot, and the sudden chill lulled me upwards and out of a dreamless sleep. I sat up on my moss bed, watching as the water slowly trickled in through the knotted tree roots. With the water, came the same familiar orange speckled fish, eager for their morning insect meal. I pulled off my boots, setting them beside me as I let my feet enter the cool shallow water.

It was a peaceful moment, as I watched orange and red fins approach me in curiosity. Few even braved a touch on my bare leg, before quickly swimming away. The birds above also began their morning song, freshly trilling and greeting the rising suns.

I felt as though I should be smiling.

Yet I wasn't happy, nor sad. I wasn't feeling much of anything as I sat there, watching the water. I knew I didn't want to leave though.

Although the underground wasn't my home for very long, it was familiar to me. I wasn't ready for a new adventure. But the thought of my presence endangering the already torn community was more than enough motivation for me to leave.

When I did not kiss Aixel back, he pulled away from me, and there was such a sorrow in his eyes, leaving shards more painful than void magic throughout my core. The last thing I wanted was to hurt him, yet there I sat, numb and unmoving before him.

He had asked me what was wrong, and when I only shook my head, I saw his jaw tighten and eyes lower. He had muttered an apology, but before I could respond, he was gone - a cloud in the night. I was left, alone once more, but this time with another added sadness to join the pile I did not have the strength to yet sort through. And so I closed my eyes, holding onto myself as comfort, until the suns began their rise and splintering light made its way into the little clearing.

Milea had already packed two large satchels for our journey, and they were sat atop the cot along with my neatly placed armor and falchion, waiting for me when I entered.

"Oh, there you are, Mira. I was losing my mind trying to find you. I almost thought you may have left already," said Milea, voice half-frantic.

"Sorry, didn't mean to make you worry," I said, taking a peek into the bag's contents.

There was food, and bedrolls, a fire kit, along with an assortment of items I wasn't sure were completely necessary.

"This is too much, Milea... Really."

"I just, I want you to be comfortable out there. I wish I could go with you, really."

"I know," I nodded, "I understand."

"There's some extra clothes in there too. Please - keep those boots."

She shook her head, still pacing and straightening the contents of the bags once more.

"I've already sent them a crane, so they know that you're coming. Look for Barros... Oh, and there is a place not too far once you leave the swamps that you can get some horses from. Should speed up your journey... Did I put enough blankets in there -"

"Milea, please. This is more than enough," I said, slipping on the Halmore armor, "Thank you."

"Aixel, come help carry all this," she yelled over her shoulder.

I looked up to see Aixel in the kitchen, eating what looked to be leftover stew. Our eyes met for a moment, until he looked down, continuing to chew. He then rose, wiping his face with the back of his hand and putting Doris, asleep on the table, in his front pocket.

Aixel took the bags out of both our hands and threw them over his shoulders without protest, and walked towards the door. I started to follow him but was stopped by Milea's arm.

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