Chapter 8: Hidden Power

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Chapter 8: Hidden Power

In Ace's mind

Ace: - Sees nothing but a void (Huh? Where am I?)

???: - (Bout time I get to talk to you again)

Ace: - Looks to where the voice came from. Turns around and sees Nathan floating behind him (Nathan?)

Nathan: - (Hello, Ace)

Ace: - (What are you doing here?)

Nathan: - (I felt that you encountered my opposite, and it seemed I was right)

Ace: - (Your opposite? You mean Kai?!)

Nathan: - (No. Kai is not my opposite.)

Ace: - (Oh? Then, who's your opposite?)

Nathan: - (That human you were surprised to see here)

Ace: - (Wait. Devon?!)

Nathan: - Nods

Ace: - (Which Mew is he?)

Nathan: - (The worst one. The Mew of Misery.)

Ace: - (Misery, huh.)

Nathan: - (Mhm. He's been on a wild spree recently, spreading his misery across the Pokémon world. Millions of pokémon who were living happy lives are now living in a constant state of misery and despair.)

Ace: - (Ok? And what does that have to do with me?)

Nathan: - (When we first met in that park in the human world, remember when I said that I chose you to replace me as the Mew of Happiness?)

Ace: - (Yes, I'm still mad that you brought it upon me by force, and removed me from that world against my will!)

Nathan: - (I apologize for that, but I had no other choice.)

Ace: - (What do you mean "no other choice"?! There were many other humans you could've dragged over here!)

Nathan: - (You mean, "there were many humans I could've dragged over")

Ace: - (No, I mean "oth-") Gets cutoff

Nathan: - (You're not human, Ace!)

Ace: - Is taken aback a bit

Nathan: - (I thought that you would've ran into Teresa already, but either you didn't yet; you did, and she didn't mention that detail; or she did, and you don't believe her)

Ace: - (How do you know Teresa?)

Nathan: - (So you have met. Didn't she tell you that she is your real mother?)

Ace: - (Yes, she did say that.)

Nathan: - (Well, she is correct. And I should know, 'cause I was the one who helped her, you, and your brother, Ben, cross over into the human world, and find good humans there who were willing to take care of you.)

Ace: - Facepaws (Right, she said that as well)

Nathan: - (Anyway, the other reason I chose you to replace me is because I saw the potential in how much you could improve in terms of battling. I can't beat Devon on my own. I need your help.)

Ace: - (Even if I say "no", you'll just drag me further into your battle anyway, if our first encounter is anything to go by.)

Nathan: - (If you choose to decline this time, I'll promise you that you can live a normal life the way you want to. I'll even bring you back to the human world if you wish.)

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