Chapter 7: Relived Memories

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Chapter 7: Relived Memories

Back in the Pokémon world, at the guild's bar

Teresa: - Finishes serving the last of her orders, and closes the bar for the day Welp, that's everyone.

Rocky: - Alright, now I can take you to see Ace.

Teresa: - Ace?

Rocky: - Our friend we were talking about.

Teresa: - I see. Well, lead the way.

Rocky: - Follow me. Goes in the direction of the infirmary, then motions Teresa, Citrine, and Max and his team, to follow him

Meanwhile, with Dr. Splat

Dr. Splat: - Files his patient reports in a nearby cabinet Alright, everything seems to be in order. The older patients' reports have been completed. Now to check in on the newly bedridden mons. Heads out from his office to check on the newer patients

All of a sudden, a scream is heard from the hallway

Dr. Splat: - What was that?!

With Rocky and his party

Rocky: - Ace!

Everyone runs in the direction of Ace's medical room

Rocky's group reaches the room first

Citrine: - Well? You gonna open the door?

Rocky: - Hesitates I know I should, but maybe we should wait for the doctor.

Dr. Splat rushes in

Dr. Splat: - Everyone move! Runs past Rocky and opens the door

Ace is seen awake, and looking like he just had a heart attack

Rocky: - Ace?

Ace: - Doesn't respond, still panting

Citrine: - Ace, are you ok?

Ace: - Still doesn't respond

Dr. Splat: - His heart rate has gone up substantially, but it's going down slowly

Rocky: - Ok, that's good

Rocky goes up to Ace

Rocky: - Ace? Taps Ace's shoulder

Ace: - HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Jolts away from the tap

Dr. Splat: - Don't move too much

Ace: - Huh?! What?! Wher-? Snaps his head back and forth, but starts to process the situation R-rocky?

Rocky: - Ace?

Ace: - Softly collapses and gives a sigh of relief It is you, "siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh", thank God. Looks up to see Dr. Splat is checking on his vitals. And the doctor is here too, I see.

Dr. Splat: - That's correct. I heard a scream and came to check it out. Your heart rate spiked a few times, but levels seem normal now. Also, your friends have come to visit, I assume on the grounds that they also heard you scream.

Rocky: - Well, we did hear the scream, but we were planning on visiting Ace anyway.

Dr. Splat: - I see, and I'm guessing to show him to your new friends?

Rocky: - Mhm.

Ace: - New friends?

Rocky: - Just some other mons I met while on a tour of the guild, my brother took us on, while you were recovering, and Citrine is here too.

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