chapter 2 adventure awaits

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Chapter 2: Adventure Awaits

Rocky would be looking out the window, having woke up early and now waiting for Ace to wake as well, he decided to think in his mind for a bit as he let out a sigh

Rocky: - (Mom, dad, I don't know where you are, but I finally have a friend who will sign up for the guild with me. I hope I can find you both one day. I really miss you.)

Suddenly, a yell could be heard from behind. Rocky jumps in panic, having snapped himself out of thought and back into reality. He goes over to Ace, who is now looking over his hand, worried about what happened

Rocky: - Are you okay, Ace?

Ace: - Not really, just had a bad dream. He said, looking over to Rocky

Rocky: - Want to talk about it?

Ace: - I guess. No use keeping this problem to myself. So, in the dream, I was in a white room. I looked around and saw this shadow. He looked like some Pokémon, but I couldn't make out what it was, it kept coming closer and it kept saying my name over and over again. When it got close, I woke up.

Rocky: - Woah, that's some scary dream...but don't worry, you're fine now, Ace.

Soon enough, silence filled the room until suddenly, Ace's stomach growls under the silence, Rocky giggles a bit at this

Rocky: - Want to go get breakfast with me, Ace?

Ace: - Heh, I'll take you on that offer.

Rocky: - Alright then, let's go!

Ace and Rocky started to walk to get breakfast at Flareon Fire Diner. As they were walking, Rocky looked over at Ace to ask him something.

Rocky: - Ah Ace, I wanted to ask if you wanted to form a team with me and join the guild?

Ace looked at Rocky questionably, he didn't even know what a guild was to begin with

Ace: - Rocky, what is a guild?

Rocky: - Wait? You don't know?

Ace: - Nope, not at all.

Rocky: - Wow, I guess you must have hit your head a lot harder than I thought He said, jokingly

Ace: - Hey! Ace replied, with a slight angered tone, Rocky giggled at this as well

Rocky: - Hey, I'm only kidding, I know about your amnesia. Anyways, guilds are basically places where many mons work together in teams to rescue others, help find lost items, and take down big bad criminals.

Ace: - Oh, so it's like a saving lives and helping others kind of deal. I think I heard about something like that. Ace replied, trying to remember exactly

Rocky: - And the best part about joining a guild is that you get to explore mysterious dungeons, though no one really knows how they became dungeons in the first place. It's all a mystery to us all. How is your memory doing, by the way? Anything come up? He said, checking as he tilted his head to see If Ace at least remembered something

Ace: - Uh, not much really. I wish I could've figured out more, but I can't really think of anything else.

He replied, only thinking curiously if he should ever mention if he was human. He figured he might as well

Ace: - Hey, can I ask-

???: - So, have you heard of the disaster that happened yesterday?

This cuts off Ace as both mons who were heading to the Diner for breakfast, were curious and looked over to see who was speaking, it was a Blastoise and a Pangoro, who were over by the village they entered

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