chapter 3 new explorers

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Chapter 3: New Explorers

Both Ace and Rocky would be returning back to their home, Ace just merely looking around, hoping to get to know more of the place at the least, the good news is that he has got some good memory's back, but still no memory of his life, while Rocky trailed behind being a little thoughtful about his brother, named Max, who has gone missing with his parents

Rocky: - (Max, where have you gone, I really want to find you so badly, you along with our parents together, I've felt so lonely for so long, I just...)

He then turned around to look over at Ace

Rocky: - (Well... at least Ace is by my side, so I don't have to worry about being lonely, but I hope I'll find you again while I keep exploring)

Rocky looked down and lost in thought, which while he was distracted, would accidentally step on Ace's tail, which caused the poor boltund to flinch at this

Ace: - Ow! He would panic and shoot a lightning bolt in the air so suddenly, which from afar would attract a Luxio, who would be curious and moved over to check it out

Meanwhile with Rocky who, getting surprised by the bolt, would flinch and snap out of thought before noticing how he accidently stepped on Ace's tail, retracting it a bit out of panic

Rocky: - Ah! A-Ace, I'm... S-so sorry, I-I didn't mean to step on your tail since I-

Ace: - Dang it Rocky! This is the SECOND TIME YOU'VE MADE ME MAD!! FIRST YOU SPAT WATER AT ME IN THAT CAFÉ, AND NOW YOU- He paused a bit, noticing Rocky who had suddenly fallen down, all panicked and scared for his life, staring down over at Ace, in which he suddenly noticed, and started to worry, lowering his voice in a slightly calmer tone before trying to help Rocky back up, in which he would flinch slightly

Ace: - Oh jeez Rocky I'm... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that...

Rocky would try to calm himself down, taking a deep breath before grabbing onto Ace's paw to pull himself back up, still shaken a bit from Ace's sudden outburst

Rocky: - It's... it's alright, I didn't mean to step on your tail to begin with, so... I should be sorry for doing that

Both would look away feeling slightly worried for the other over what happened, until suddenly the Luxio who arrived at the scene would break the silence

Luxio: - Hey! I saw a thunderbolt in the sky and heard yelling over here, is everything alright? He said, running over with slight concern, Rocky was too stunned to even say anything, so Ace came in to chat with the Luxio

Ace: - Yea, just some minor problems that's not worth worrying about, and my tail getting stepped on, but everything is fine now

The Luxio would nod, but before heading out, Rocky had a great idea and would try to stop the Luxio

Rocky: - Hey wait, sorry to interrupt you but, would you mind joining me and my friend to form an exploration team together? We kind of need one more friend to help us out over here

Luxio: - Oh? An exploration team?

He would then try to think for a bit, before nodding

Luxio: - Sure! I'll join in, I don't have anything better to do myself.

This would make Rocky feel better as he happily smiled

Rocky: - Great! It's nice to meet you, uhh... What was your name?

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