6. Wandering the Grounds

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Wandering a bit after dropping off Grim at Ramshackle, I found myself drawn to an area where I had heard water running.

Reaching the location, I was surprised to see a large in ground aquarium.

The fish were swimming in a man made environment that was likely made to be a glass wall for a structure somewhere below me.

Crouching down to look at the fish, a few swam up to stare at me in curiosity.

I could see they were all saltwater fish, and there were a few unusual varieties that I usually wouldn't expect to see in the same place.

"Is this supposed to be here...?" I wondered aloud as an octopus propelled itself up towards me, landing on a fan coral perch to stare at me.

I smiled at it and gave it a small wave as it waved back.

It climbed up the side of the glass and squeezed itself through the lid of the aquarium, causing my eyes to widen.

I quickly manipulated some water from the tank to bubble around the octopus, which now floated inside the hovering ball of water in front of me.

"Well, aren't you a brave one." I said with a smile as it spun in a circle inside the bubble.

Seconds later, a thud came from the lid of the aquarium.

Looking down, I saw a certain type of eel, glaring at me.

"So that's why. You were put in a tank with a Moray Eel..." I said as I sighed.

"Honestly, who thought that would be a good idea?" I questioned aloud as I pat the octopus with two fingers.

"I see you've rescued that octopus." Said a voice from behind me, causing me to turn.

Turning around, my eyes widened at the sight of the person behind me.

"Ayato...?" I asked.

"Hmm? Ah, I'm sorry, you seem to have mistaken me for someone else." He said.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts.

"Yes, you're right. I'm sorry." I said, looking back down at the water.

The man hummed.

I felt eyes on my back, so he was likely studying me.

"Are you a new student? I have yet to see you around." He asked.

I hummed, adding more water to the bubble so my little friend could swim around a bit.

"I'll be starting tomorrow since my uniform has yet to arrive." I said as he nodded.

"So, what brings you here?" I asked him.

"I was checking on the fish, actually. One of my staff thought it would be a good idea to put that eel in woth the fish." He said with a frown as I nodded.

"I see. I figured that these weren't local fish. We're rather high up after all." I said, watching some sort of shark swim by.

"Yes, this pond is connected to the tanks in the Mostro Lounge." He said.

"Mostro Lounge?" I asked curiously.

"It's a restaurant that I run here on campus. It's quite popular among the students." He said with a smirk, proud of his work.

"Quite the endeavor while going to school at the same time." I said as he nodded

"It's quite a hassle in all honesty. My best employees are only dependable half the time, and even then, there are so few of us that I'm practically at my wits end." He said.

I hummed to myself.

"Perhaps some form of motivation would be helpful. An incentive for new people to join or for current employees to work harder is always a solid strategy." I said, surprising him.

"You make a good point. While I do pay them, they often say that the job doesn't offer much else..." He said, trailing off.

"I recommend a sort of mental reward. People tend to enjoy having bragging rights, so an employee ranking system may be ideal. I've seen some places do an employee of the month setup, which works wonders for motivation." I said.

He looked at me in astonishment.

"How do you know all of this?" He asked.

"My brother and I studied business together for a while. It's all common sense one you think about it." I said with a small grin.

"In fact, if you can read people, you can use that information to further your own goals by making them think they have you in the palm of their hand." I said with a somewhat dark grin.

He seemed intrigued by my words.

"You speak as though you've done that before." He said.

"I have. I've been doing it nonstop for years. Greedy businessmen, merchants, and nobles are all the easiest to manipulate." I said before the grin vanished.

"That said, I never use those talents on innocent people. Only those who have wronged, or try to wrong, me or my family get that treatment, as the end result is always financial and political ruin." I said.

He nodded in surprise.

"I see, so you use it sparingly then?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Use it too much, and others become wise to your tricks." I said, standing up.

Turning to my brother's lookalike, I smiled.

"It was nice to meet someone like you. I was worried I wouldn't meet anyone I could talk to openly." I said, turning to him.

Holding out my hand to him, he took it.

Smiling at him, I shook it.

"I think you should be the first to know my real name. My name is Kamisato Ayame." I said as he nodded.

"Azul Ashengrotto." He said.

"A pleasure to meet you, Azul. I hope we can become friends during my time here." I said, releasing his hand.

Looking over at the clocktower, I sighed.

"Well, it seems like I should get going. Have a good evening, Azul." I said, waving goodbye before making my way to Ramshackle.

Camellia (TWST x Kamisato! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now