❤️ 7. I Am, In Fact, Not a Man.

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Reaching our dorm, I noticed some bags with a note attached to them by the door.

Heading inside, I put Grim down on the couch as I then brought in the bags.

Looking inside, I saw some clothes that I hadn't designed.

Pulling the note off of the bag, I unfolded it.

"Hello there dear! I took the liberty of purchasing some extra things for you. Since you only ordered a uniform, I took the liberty of making some casual clothes to match them. I had Crewel's help, of course! But I also got you those other articles you asked for!

In the first bag, you'll find your undergarments buried under a night dress. And in the second bag, is your uniform and some casual clothes.

Much cheer; Badun"

I smiled as I pulled out the nightgown to look it over.

She had done well on keeping the overall feel of Inazuman clothes, but had also made it feel more... local?

Yes, that description felt right.

Quietly taking the bags upstairs, I shut the door as I got undressed in the bathroom.

Removing the compression bandages, I let out a sigh of relief as I then slipped on the nightdress

It was a simple pale yellow dress with two large pockets and sleeves reminiscent of those on a kimono, although significantly shorter. It also had buttons on the chest for optional airing, which I appreciated.

Tying my hair up in a ponytail, I let out a breath as I looked at myself in the slightly cracked mirror.

Tying my hair up in a ponytail, I let out a breath as I looked at myself in the slightly cracked mirror

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Nodding in approval, I then went downstairs to retrieve Grim and put him to bed.

Despite the trouble he had caused me, I couldn't bring myself to be angry at him.

He was, after all, a cat.

And cats are known troublemakers, so it was merely in his nature.

It didn't hurt that he reminded me of a certain rambunctious childhood friend of mine, either.

Sliding Grim off of the couch cushion and into my arms again, I carried him up into our shared room, where I had prepared him a small spot at the end of the bed.

Gently placing him down, I, too, laid down in the bed to get some rest before tomorrow.

Looking around, I found myself in a large maze-like garden of roses.

Camellia (TWST x Kamisato! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now