❤️ 9. Duplication

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"Red... Red..." Deuce said as he concentrated on his share of flowers.

A flash of light appeared, showing the flowers had indeed changed color, however...

"Wh-whoa! It turned blue?!" Deuce said, sounding both upset and surprised.

I smiled a bit to myself. This activity was rather soothing, even with all the noise.

Grim was focusing on the lower roses on the hedges, Ace and Deuce took care of the higher roses on the hedges, while Cater and I dealt with the tall rose bushes, which strangely resembled trees.

"Hey, Ayame, check this out!" Grim called as he focused on one rose in particular.

"Change, O foul color! Change! Aha!" He yelled before the rose burst into flames.

"Bwah! The rose caught on fire!" Grim yelled.

"Ah, crap! You stupid cat, look what you've done!" Ace yelled.

I sighed, rushing over and dousing the flames before crouching down and holding Grim's paws.

"Grim, calm down and focus. If you don't focus, that will just happen again." I said calmly, not wishing to scold him for something so obviously unintentional.

Grim pouted before turning away, yanking his paws from my hands.

"Fine! But if it doesn't help, I'm not gonna do it again!" He yelled as I smiled lightly.

This cat truly does remind me of that boy...

'I wonder how he's doing now... How everyone's doing actually...' I thought as my small smile quickly vanished.

"Ayame, are you feeling okay?" Deuce asked.

I shook my head to snap out of it and looked back at him.

"I'm doing fine. I just was thinking about something is all." I said with a forced smile.

"Alright..." He said as he got back to work of the hedges.

Cater spoke up from the other side of the bush we were "painting," with a sigh.

"You guys are even less competent than I thought..." He said with a sigh.

Ace, seemingly bored already, also spoke up.

"Yo, maybe you should just leave the roses white! They look perfectly pretty 'n stuff to me." He said as I shook my head.

"The way Cater explained it, they need to be this color for the "Unbirthday Party," He spoke of earlier. It could be a tradition of sorts." I said as Cater grinned.

"Bingo! You can't have an Unbirthday Party without the roses being red. And you can't play croquet without seven colored flamingos as mallets and a hedgehog for a ball." Cater said as I nodded slowly.

"Oh, but of course, the roses need to be white when the garden flowers put on their spring concert. That's absolutely crucial." He added, causing me more confusion.

'So they do this more than once a year?' I thought, feeling slightly bad for the students of their dorm.

"All your rules are completely insane!" Grim said,crossing his paws as he looked back at Cater.

"Well, they say the Queen of Hearts made these rules herself. She was one of the Great Seven, you know." Cater said as I nodded before he continued.

"And Riddle is all about tradition. Probably more than the previous housewardens, T-B-H."

This caught my attention.

'So this is all for some form of tradition? In that case, I best learn more so as to not offend anyone...' I thought as Cater sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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