Chp. 25 | You really thought you could ESCAPE...?

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3rd person~

Although Cheesy was already in a terrible mood, being cheated on and all, that gunshot didn't make it any better. He immediately jolted up and looked around, trying to spot the shooter and shot person. Then, Cheesy spotted it: Candle was dead on the ground, while Silver Spoon was holding a gun in his right hand, warm tears flooding down his face.

Silver couldn't believe what he had just done... Why was he such a terrible person? He had just shot his soulmate... Well, used to-be his soulmate anyways. He still loved Candle, and, maybe if he hadn't shot her, Silver still could've won her back! But no, he was a ignorant piece of shit who was just selfish and only wanted the best for him.

'Oh come ON!' Silver thought to himself as he slid to the floor, covering the brown dirt in his salty tears, 'You killed your girlfriend, and messed up a perfectly healthy relationship... For what?! To make me look BETTER?!?' Silver spoon, in the spur of the moment, started to hit himself, crying maniacally.

He put the gun to his head and... BAM!

His lifeless body hit the floor with a thud.


*A week later*

Trophy had discussed the whole topic with Cheesy: about how Silver was lying to make himself better, and how he was probably insane from not seeing his family for months upon months. Mephone, obviously, held a funeral for the two, and everyone had wept hard. It had only been a week since the major occurrence, and everyone, even Clover's, spirit was down. Without Candle, the meditatier and calmness, and Silver, the British royalty of the game, everything seemed... Different.

Paintbrush was affected more than others: despite Silvers and Paintbrushes rivalry, Paintbrush still wept. They were devastated, and they didn't even have their own girlfriend to help them cope.

Trophy and Cheesy were finally transported back to where Hotel OJ was, and Cheesy was mostly healed, but still had a broken arm and some soreness. Now, there was only one problem left to deal with. Only one.


Steve Cobs' POV~

'Oh, those little objects, they think they could get away? They really thought they COULD? HA! Well, they must know, that I'm back with... reinforcement... And it'll be much, much harder to get rid of me.'

It's short, I'm TIREDDD, but have some lore. Nothing gold stays forever, even comedy gold 😞

Words: 410

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