Chp.16 | Steve Cobs, that son of B!tch

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Note: I'm sorry if my story doesn't make any sense! It's my first time writing a ACTUAL long-chapter book. ( I usually do short stories)

3rd Person POV~

Cheesy stopped mid-sentence, both from embarresmnt and also seeing the person who he had about from a lot of people: Steve Cobs. According to Mephone, Steve Cobs was the CEO of Meeple, but that didn't automatically make him a good person. Steve Cobs had been inhumane to Mephone: torturing him, blah blah blah.

Because of this, Cheesy despised Cobs, despite never actually meeting him.

Trophy, on the other hand, had never heard of Cobs. That, or he just forgot about Cobs. Either way, it didn't matter: what DID matter though, was one question, and one question only. Why was Steve Cobs here watching Trophy and Cheesy? It was odd: well, for starters, being stalked by anyone was certainly not desired by object-kind, and secondly, what business did Steve Cobs have with these two gays?

LIttle did Cheesy and Trophy know, Cobs actually had a LOT to do with them, and it all started with Salt.
Salt was the one who started the whole problems with Hotel OJ. If it weren't for her, everything would be fine and dandy right now. No one would've had to live in Test Tube's lab, Cheesy wouldn't have almost died, Taco would never be seen again, and OJ wouldn't have as much stress on his shoulders as he does now. It was all Salt's fault. Her best friend, Pepper, was very disappointed in Salt. They'd been friends since birth: imagine your best friend betrays you, makes you and your friend's life miserable therefore they can just be with someone they love.

It was horrible. They would need to catch Salt, lock her up, and ask for her motives. No one should have to deal with what Salt did to them: well, maybe Taco did.

Steve Cobs noticed that Cheesy and Trophy were staring at him, then decided to walk forward towards them. Slowly, he made his way other to the two other objects. "Who are you, and why are you here?! I was just about to kis-" Trophy immediately blushed and looked away.

Trophy didn't need to finish his sentence in order for Cheesy to know what he was talking about: Trophy was going to kiss Cheesy. Although, they only woud've happend if DAMN STEVE FUCKING DOOKIE COBS WASN'T HERE. Maybe in some AU they would kiss. Oh well.

"Ah, well, that can be saved for later, no?" Cobs smirked, then took out a tazor. Turning on, the tazor, Cobs' wicked smile grew larger, and more intense. Before Trophy would say or do anything, Cobs tazed Cheesy.

The small comedian boy fell to the ground instantly, no longer conscious. Trophy gasped and tacked Cobs. Well, Trophy tried to, anyway. He failed. Cobs had tazed Trophy as well. Leaving Trophy and taking Cheesy, Cobs spoke into a walkie-talkie.

"Salt? I have him."

"Oh, like, yay! Now what? I did what you wanted to, like, Hotel OJ, so you do your part of the plan."

"Don't worry: A Cobs ALWAYS keeps their side of the deal."

"Mhm. Are you almost to base?"

"Yes. Get the termination device ready for our dear, dear guest. I have a feeling he'll 'love' what we have in store for him."

"Of course, Cobs. Gladly."

Oop. Man, I'm sorry y'all. Cheesy might die. Hotel OJ is in danger. Trophy is sad. Mic and Taco are still really gay for each other but won't admit it. Man.

Words:608 (Sorry for the really short chapter, y'all, I have no motivation.)

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