Chp. 24 | I love you, and you only ❤

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I had such a long week 😭😭

3rd POV~

Taco and Microphone were giggling behind Hotel OJ, talking about season two and some of the funny moments. After catching her breath, Mic said something again, "A-And then... I-" Mic couldn't stop laughing, what Taco had said earlier was just TOO funny. Mic could barely breathe, but it was the best kind of not being able to breathe: it's because she was laughing so hard with the person who she loved so much.

Taco, on the other hand, was silently chuckling to herself, thinking about something other than the joke she had made. Something more... Intimate, to say the least. Taco was thinking of a cute way to kiss her new girlfriend, but she couldn't particularly think of a good way. Would the cut-off kiss work, or would a regular just-in-and-see-what-happens kind of kiss work better? Considering of how Mic usually acted, Taco needed to find the perfect way to kiss her.

Just as everyone else knew, Mic was a wildcard, someone who liked the abnormal, the not-excpeted. But, another thing that Taco had to think about was the fact that Mic was always scared of movements that she wasn't totally aware of. Maybe something romantic, and book-like, but still a bit subtle. Mic, who was totally unaware of the racing thoughts of Taco, was still bursting out laughing and almost rolling on the floor. It was very cute, Taco thought, that her girlfriend was so comfortable with her.

The fact that Mic would still love Taco, through all the horrible things she's done. It didn't matter what Taco did, Mic would still be by her side. Suddenly, Taco got an idea. A great idea.

Taco put her hand softly on Mic's, which obviously got the attention of the other girl. Mic looked up into Taco's eyes, knowing that it was a intimate and love-filled moment. Taco slowly leaned in, but not all the way, waiting for Mic's permission. She would never do anything to her without asking, because that's rude. Mic jerked up, and accidentally kissed Taco. Mic's cheeks(?) blushed hard, and she kissed Taco back.

*Time skip, cause how do you write kiss scenes? Also this is somewhat child friendly, you certain dirty minded readers- 🤨📷 caught you in 4K,bro)*

Taco and Mic were sleeping outside, due to Hotel OJ being closed. They cuddled close, their bodies radiating heat, keeping eachother warm. Mic's hands were wrapped around the small body of Taco, holding her close like a teddy bear. All the two could feel in the moment was love, warmth, and comfort within each other. The other worldly problems didn't matter, only them. Only Taco and Mic. And they had the whole island to themselves.

I finished my musical!! YAY- I have tons more freetime now, so chapters will come out more often! I have nooooo idea when this will end, it'll go on for quite a while though, so stay tuned!

Words: 508

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