Chp.7 | Hidden in the Shadows

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    Soap's POV~

    I lower myself to the ground, checking on Chessy. "Chessy?!" Something hit him the head....well, more like, someONE hit him in the head. He didn't answer, only laying silently on the floor. What...happened? Was he okay? SOAP STOP ASKING YOURSELF THAT. Ugh, I didn't want to touch Chessy, as he was dirty. I  leave him, running over to Microphone and asking her for help.

Microphone jumped slightly, but I didn't care. Chessy trusted me to help him and Trophy, and I wasn't going to break that promise.

Trophy's POV~

The object was groaning on the ground in pain. I ran for the door, but tripped, as the object's hand touched my leg. "ICK ICK ICK- GET OFF ME YOU EXCUSE FOR A OBJECT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, hoping another person would hear me. No one.

Luckily, I saw Microphone barge into my room, Soap right behind her. Where was Chessy? Is he okay? The only thing I cared about right now as getting this..object...out of my room and making sure Chessy was doing okay. "Move!" I shoved past Microphone and Soap, running towards the stairs. When I finally managed to mak it outside, I found Chessy leaning on a tree, rubbing his head.

The Cherries were constantly saying "SORRY SORRY SORRY" to Chessy. I chuckle. They must've hit Chessy on accident. Chessy is so cute...TROPHY STOP YOU CAN'T THINK LIKE THAT, YOU'RE NOT GAY-

My thoughts were cut off by Chessy waving to me, grabbing my hand gently and guiding me towards the tree. I instantly felt my face heat up, and I wasn't expecting this at all. Chessy and The Cherries were still chatting, but I was focused on Chessy holding my hand. "Uh...Chessy?" His pretty, freckled face turned to me. It didn't matter to me whether he had a giant red bump on the back of his head, he was still cute as ever.

Chessy smiled at me dearly, then, out of nowhere, Chessy kissed my hand. I blushed, embarrassed but also madly in love.

Microphone POV~

I strangled the object, while Soap was washing some spit stains off the floor. Not a big help. Whatever, it's not I needed HELP or anything. This...object looked like someone I knew. Someone I knew well. I couldn't finish that thought, as the object punched me straight in the face. "AH-" I held my nose because thats what the object had mainly focused the force of the punch on. Considering the amount of pain I was in, I could pretty much say myself that, yeah, my nose was broken.

Soap gasped, but not at the thing I thought she was gasping at.

The object was escaping, and that certainly was bad. I was still trying to make sure my nose wasn't broken, and Soap was just in scared awe. Neither of us could, err...would...go after the object. Something made me turn my head towards the hallway. A loud electric sound rang in my ears, which. somehow, made my nose hurt even more.

The blood was dripping down my face and into my mouth...It hurt so, so bad. I wanted to scream, but that would cause me to move my nose, which would hurt even more. I silently shoke with intense agony, Soap only now noticing me on the floor with a broken nose. She instantly helped me up, pulling medicine and some bandages out of her pocket. (Don't ask me, IDFK where she got them)

The object, now, from what I could see, was  on the floor, unconscious. Serves her right! She broke my nose!

. . .

And tried raping Trophy. Oh well.

3rd person POV~

The object looked oddly familiar to Test Tube, who had zapped her with some sort of complicated scientific invention. It



No, it couldn't be.

It was, and Test Tube couldn't deny it any longer.

. . .


It was Salt.

For all those people wondering: Wait, I thought this post-season three....HOW IS TEST TUBE HERE?! It's after Test Tube got ellimated and blah blah blah-

Also, yeah, Salt got tired of OJ not loving her, so she moved onto the other rich white male who loved cis but was actually the gayest man on earth. ok, maybe salt's gay-o-meter is broken.

Words: 725

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