Chapter 12

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 "Let's stop somewhere, Nagisa." Karma pulled my arm, and walked me up the stairs of a fancy apartment building. We just got back from watching a movie premier in Hawaii with Korosensei.

"Woah, Karma, what are we doing?" My legs move to keep up with Karma, who held a grip on my wrist. If I stopped moving I'd topple down the stairs.

"Just going to stop by and pay some people a visit." Karma says, seemingly unbothered by the hour it is right now. His pace slowed down as we reached the top floor.

"Who do you need to see at this hour? And why did you bring me along?!" I yell. Korosensei wants us to write a synopsis of the film he brung us to. By the looks of it, I'm going to have to pull an all nighter to make that happen now. Karma knocked firmly on the door. I could hear some faint chatting from behind the door, but I couldn't make out the voices until the door opened. Behind the door was Gon. He was wearing a white tank top and some long black pants. He didn't seem phased with our arrival, and instead just opened the door wider to let us in. Karma immediately walked in and sat next to Killua on the coach, placing his feet up on the coffee table in front of the coach. "Karma!" I whisper yell. What is he doing making himself so comfortable here?

I don't know much about Gon and Killua. In general they are a mystery. They keep to each other in class, and occasionally Karma will butt into their conversation. Gon is excessively happy most of the time, and I'm sure if he was given an opportunity he would talk anyones ear off. Killua is the polar opposite, and quiet most of the time. An icy aura surrounds him, deterring most people from approaching either of them. Other than the fact that Gon has the power to take a life, I don't know anything about how strong the two are. I'm assuming they are pretty strong though, considering another world sent them to save their world.

"Your name's Nagisa, right?" Gon stood beside me as we watched Karma and Killua fight over something. I nod. I never really talked to either of them, but Gon seems really nice. It really came as a shock when he said that he's killed someone before. "I'm sure you know, but I'm Gon. It's nice to finally talk to you! I don't really get a chance during class cause me and Killua need to work on our assassination plan. We'll only have one shot when we are finally allowed to attempt to kill the octopus by ourselves, so we have to make it a good one! So why are you here?"

"I have no idea, Karma just dragged me here..." I glanced over to where Karma and Killua were sitting; they weren't fighting anymore, and instead they were both watching what was on TV. Gon laughs.

"Yah, Karma comes here a lot cause, ummm, something about no one else being at his home. I don't remember exactly. We don't really mind though. It's just us, a chef, and a maid here, so it's not like there's anything stopping us from having someone over. In fact, it's kinda nice to have another person over." My eyes stay locked on Gon. Gon has never shown any sign of malice or ill intent. He was always, just, happy.

"Have you really killed someone before?" I quickly cover my mouth. That wasn't supposed to come out, but instead of getting mad, Gon just smiled even more.

"It was more of a thing." Killua said, tossing the remote in the air and catching it again. "An ant to be exact. They're these powerful beings that eat every living being in their path." Killua's eyes darken. "Including humans. The one that Gon killed, killed someone that we both liked, but Gon was the one to take revenge." Killua glared at Gon slightly, but Gon just rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I did something really stupid to gain the power to kill the ant. I'm pretty lucky that Killua was around to save me." Gon added to the story.

"So you haven't killed a human before?"

"Nope!" Gon smiled.

"So what's your plan?" Killua walked up towards me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean are you planning on staying here? Karma normally stays in one of the three spare bedrooms. You can have one if you want to stay the night. It's pretty late out." Killua gestured toward the now dark window. The only sign of light being the now destroyed moon.

"I wish I could, but my parents would be pretty mad." I wave my hands in front of me.

"Suit yourself." Killua shrugged. Seeing this as my chance, I take my leave, walking home slightly faster than normal. It's kinda strange that Karma stays with them a lot. I mean, I get Gon, but Killua doesn't seem like the type of person Karma likes to hang out with. Maybe it's because he knows he'll never see them again after this year. Overall, those two other worldly beings are a mystery, no point in trying to solve them.

The Next Day

"Now then, according to Karasuma we have another transfer student joining us." Korosensei announced to the class.

"Another student! Wow, isn't that exciting Killua!" Gon whispered toward Killua.

"As long as they're not like Ritsu was. She was a pain in the ass." Killua leaned back in his chair, Ritsu was telling the class about the new student. Apparently the two were supposed to start at the same time, but Ritsu lacked the capacity to support the new guy.

"Wow, he must be super strong then if he's stronger than you! I wonder if I can fight him." Gon said after Ritsu finished her explanation.

"No one's stronger than us, Gon, so don't get your hopes up." The door creaked, causing Killua and Gon's eyes to travel toward the door. Standing in the door frame was an ominous figure dressed in all white; their face was hidden. Tension in the room was building, and the class was quivering in fear of the figure.

"Ok, somebody likes to wear white." Meg deadpans. She was one of a few people not bothered by the large amount of bloodlust given off by the person. The white figure points to the class and then with a puff of smoke, a bird appears in his hand. He lets out a joyful laugh, totally different from the previous laugh he gave off.

"Wow! How'd you do that!?" Gon raises his hand in excitement.

"Ahh, you must be the one of the people the Hunter Association was talking about." The guy says.

"Huh, how'd you know?" There wasn't any obvious reason why this person would know about the Hunter Association.

"Someone with unprecedented excitement, with the ability to change the whole mood of the room with a single action. I thought they were over exaggerating, but I guess not." The guy shrugged.

"What business do you have with the association?" Killua glared.

"We collaborated. I wanted you two to work together with Itona, but they refused. It's understandable to be cautious with another world, but it's still a pity. I would've been happy to share the award money with this other world."

Word Count: 1230

A/N: Hello! Please don't forget to vote and comment. I love hearing your thoughts. Have a blessed day <3.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord will be with you." Joshua 1:9

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