Chapter 2

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"You'll reach your destination in a few seconds; someone will meet you there." Cheadle started to explain. Gon and Killua were standing in front of a portal. It apparently leads to a secure location and a government agent will meet them there. "Good luck."

"Thanks!" Gon said, walking through the portal. It felt weird while inside the portal. It felt as though he was squished into a tiny ball then spit back out again. Killua had gone ahead of him, so when Gon arrived, Killua was already there.

Last Night

"You're sending someone who hasn't been in full strength for 6 months!" A government agent was yelling at Cheadle through an interworld communication device.

"You wanted someone who could fit into a classroom environment. We have two that can look the part."

"Then send the other person. Someone who hasn't been at full strength won't be able to kill this thing." The government agent interrupted.

"I said two that can look the part. The other person isn't exactly a people person. Probably wouldn't get along well with anyone there. Lucky for you, the other one will fit right in. He's so bubbly that he has no problem getting along with anyone. And don't worry, I'm sending both of them."

"We only agreed to send one."

"You said it yourself. How could someone who hasn't been at full strength for 6 months kill this thing? This person, the bubbly one, happens to get along with the other person I'm sending. With him, the other one just might fit in."

"Fine. I'll send Karasuma to meet them at the place."

"I'll send them through. Good luck with them. They can be quite stubborn." Cheadle hung up.


"Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Tadaomi Karasuma."

"Hi! I'm Gon and this is Killua!" Gon said smiling. Karasuma looked at the boy with interest. He must be the bubbly one, he thought.

"I'll take you two to where you'll be staying for the duration of your stay. Drop your stuff off then we need to hit the road for your first day of class." Karasuma said, walking out of the door. The boys followed, looking at the interior of the building. The building was metal and upon reaching outside, it was clear that it was far away from any citizens.

"So what's this place called?" Gon asked.

"You weren't told?"

"No." Gon shook his head. "Cheadle just told us the rules and what we needed to do."

"We're in Japan."

"So is it like Joppon?"

"I know very little about your world. I would refrain talking about your world in public as that is kept secret. You can decide if you want to tell the class." Karasuma got into a car, followed by Killua and Gon. The boys were taken to a fancy apartment. Cheadle told the government that the boys are accustomed to nice things and wouldn't accept anything less. The government secured them the penthouse on the top floor, all expenses paid. The penthouse came with a personal chef and everything they could ever need. "Drop your stuff off, then we need to get going." Karasuma said, trying to stop them from getting too enthralled with the amenities of the penthouse. "You guys need to meet your target." Gon and Killua followed Karasuma to a mountain.

"They really do ditch the rejects." Killua said. Cheadle had talked about where they were going briefly. Class 3-E. The place where this prep school throws those deemed as not good enough. He trekked up the mountain with Gon and Karasuma. Karasuma dropped them off in a classroom with desks.

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