Chapter 6

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 "I uhh. Well uhh." Koro Sensei encourages Okadu to speak up. "Poison sir, will you drink it please?!" Okuda finally said. Shortly after, a loud burst of laughter came through the classroom.

"That was certainly up front." He said between chuckles.

"I'm sorry, is this weird?"

"It's certainly a very straightforward assassination attempt."

"You see the thing is sir. I'm not very good at being sneaky like everyone else. I am good at chemistry though, and I put my heart and soul into this mixture."

"You're heart and soul? Don't mind if I do then."

"So he must be immune to poison." Killua whispered under his breath, mentally noting the fact. Even though Killua was not writing notes on the target like Nagisa, he was mentally taking notes. When the time comes that he and Gon have to kill Koro sensei, he would have to have a plan to complete the job.

"Where are we going?" Gon asked Isogai as the class got ready to walk down the mountain.

"It's a school ceremony. There is one once a month. It's one of the only times we are on the main campus." Gon nodded and went to get ready himself.

"Come on Gon, let's skip."

"What? No! I want to see the main campus."

"E-class will probably only be made fun of during this ceremony. It's not worth it."

"You can skip, but I'm going."

"Fine." Killua said, giving up on trying to convince Gon.

After the walk down the mountain, most of the class was wiped out. Gon, however, was still bouncing with energy. "Do you ever run out of energy?" Maehara asked Gon.

"Not a lot." Gon paused. "But that wasn't that hard. Bisky's training is way harder!" Gon smiled.

"Hurry up people. We have to get in line before they start." Isogai said. The class groaned and got in line. While in line, Gon's excitement continued to grow. He even tried to make friends with a D-class student standing across from him.

"Hi! I'm Gon. What's your name?" Gon asked the D-class student with no response. "I wonder what they're going to talk about. Do you know?" No response was given again. "You're pretty quiet huh? I'm really excited for this ceremony. I have never been to one before!" Gon continued the one sided conversation until another student interrupted.

"-----, making friends with an E-classer I see." A student teased.

"Back off." The D-class student Gon was talking to pushed Gon away. Nakamura came up at that point and pulled Gon away further.

"Sorry about him." Nakamura smiled. "You know people in E-class, always a little messed up in the head." A nervous laugh escaped her lips. "He's the worse one."

The class D guy turned his head. "Don't let it happen again."

"You got it." Nakamura pulled Gon back to their line. "What were you thinking!" Nakamura exclaimed once they were back in the line.

"I wanted to make a friend, so I can tell my other friends." Gon said. He thought that having a friend in another world would be so cool.

"You can make friends with anyone in E-class. At this school we are the bottom of the bottom. No one will be friends with you in the higher classes."

"I know. Cheadle told me." Gon said. Nakamura was going to ask what type of name Cheadle is, but the Dean started talking.

With Killua

"Hey." Karma threw a rock at Killua who moved slightly to the side, allowing the rock to pass. Karma smirked and sat down beside Killua.


"Why'd you skip?"

"I don't want to waste my time on pointless ceremonies. Especially when I'm going to be ridiculed."

"Why'd your friend go?"

"Why does Gon do anything he does?"

"Aren't you guys supposed to be best friends? Gon talked about you for a solid 10 minutes after class."

"Gon is so unpredictable that I've given up trying to keep track of everything." A silence overtook the two.

"Why haven't you tried to kill Korosensei? This is the opportunity of the century, being able to kill your teacher is a dream."

"I have orders not to, and while I'm not obligated to listen to them, I'd rather stay on their good side.

"Orders from who?"


"Who's that?"

"She's the chairwoman of the Hunter Association."

"What's that?" Karma asked, getting annoyed at Killua's lack of detail.

"It's an association that me and Gon are a part of."

"I see." Killua stood up as Karma answered. Karma stood up shortly after.

"You two are pretty short."

"We're only 13. We're here on an order."

"You've said. Say, I've never seen anyone that looks like you or Gon, where are you from?"

"I'm from the Republic of Paduka. My family owns Kuroko Mountain."

"Nice try. That doesn't exist." Karma laughed.

"It doesn't exist here. Me and Gon are from another world, so I wouldn't expect you to know about where I'm from."

"I'm back!" Gon said, coming behind the two.

"Well it was nice talkin to ya. See you tomorrow." Killua waved. Karma stood there in shock. Another world? Yah right.

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