Chapter eight: The explanation

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Ariel was woken up to the unknown place and she saw and the crew caught tied up together!

Princess Ivy: Welcome Ariel you must knowing me for the past few years and I have pleasant you that welcome to my court!

Ariel can't believe in her eyes and she felt in surprised and shook that Ivy knows her!

Ariel: How did you know me and my name?

Princess Ivy: Yeah that's why you're it's because you have been friends with a blonde hair named 'Rapunzel' and you know her because she's a princess like you!

Ariel: You can't take that!

Princess Ivy: Ariel I let you free right now but...I won't let you do this.

Ariel: Can you let my friends out? And where's Dahlia?

Princess Ivy: You know what happened to your friend's friend?

Ariel: Asha's friend left her behind the woods! Then you did this!

Ariel pointed Princess Ivy in anger and felt mad about her friend getting separated.

Ariel: Well what's the matter you evil. To take control the whole world and then make them no colored in any object?

Princess Ivy: Ariel! Let's talk but you need to show some respect to me!

Ariel: How could you?

The girls argued about what they have did and Ariel was explaining to her and felt so mad about the hotel got colored in pink. Asha felt very depressed about what she had been done.

Asha: Ariel you better win this court.

Ariel: I am!

The princesses argued more about that situation about the hotel. The royal judge had done with an augment.

The royal judge: SILENCE! Now who would like to explain to the girls augment more than you think and you girls tell and explanation about this.

Ariel: Well I can explain.

The royal judge: Okay go ahead.

Ariel: So you see that the hotel and then I was looking for the colored-less objects spreading the whole thing. Then, my best friend the Pink Panther came to me and help us me and my friends by stopping the butterflies. Well, I team up with my mice friend Jerry the mouse and then I tried to get a pink bomb to throw the best and everyone was blaming! And finally, we destroyed the butterflies for good.

The royal judge: This thing that you are talking about I think you're correct Ariel! So guys we have an announcement that Ariel has won the court for the explanation!

The crew cheered and clapped about Ariel winning the court! 

Ariel: Thank you your honor. I appreciated it too!

Princess Ivy: Wait?! What about me?! She didn't even know that I was there! What it's wrong with you Ariel! Are you better than me winning the court? Huh?

Ariel: You bastard witch! Is this that you have to explain that easily? That what have you done done for now. Also, I got the key that you locked my friends...

Princess Ivy: You Ariel you fight me back! And let me you-

Dahlia raised her hand about to speak about Ariel and Ivy about the fight to explain.

Dahlia: What about this? Princess Ivy you get the mission to stop them! Maybe lock Ariel and then Asha and her friends are too weak for getting to rescue them.

Princess Ivy: Dahlia you're a genius! Maybe I can rule the world and not to have you guys rescued! Ariel come with me...

Ariel: You can't do this! 

Ariel grabs Ivy's hand harder than she is trying to speak.

Ariel: You will never Ivy. I will rule the whole world by not rescuing myself and you can get Dahlia back to Asha and then we can have a friendship together.

Asha and the crew were happy about Ariel being so like a boss girl. 

Donnie: Ariel was doing great!

Tom and Jerry: You can do this!

Ariel: You Ivy I have enough about you but, let save Dahlia instead.

Princess Ivy: You little fool! Is this what you have ever wanted?

Ariel: Asha and her friend have a relationship fighting with the Queen's birthday party leaving the gifts not to rush so hard and I feel I have enough with you so let me use your dusting thing. 

Ariel spreads the dust what Ivy did to banished them and living like she had enough with her.

Ariel: Now let's get out of here!

Ariel and the crew ran away from the court.

Pink Panther: Now what do we do about Dahlia?

Ariel: I have an idea come with me.

Ariel rides the car going on badass mode while a explaining talking ahead.

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