Chapter six: Seeking for black and white butterflies

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Meanwhile at the graden museum, the Pink Panther was looking at the woman closing the doors for green house. Pink Panther was staring at the woman and asked for him if he can go inside.

Pink Panther: Excuse me miss I need to go on this greenhouse.

The woman: Sir it's closed because the plants have been turned black and white.

Pink Panther: I'm a photographer and a journalist and I can put this on the news for that.

The woman: Oh right. Go in for a quick.

The Pink Panther entered inside sneaking and getting is camera out taking pictures of the colorless flowers and plants he takes pictures of them more and more. As he finished, he walked out and asking a woman for a thank you.

The woman: Have a great day sir.

Pink Panther: Thanks you too.

Meanwhile at the lab of science, Pink Panther has found colored poison bombs that he made for himself and he takes a picture of them and he was wondering if her can steal it.

Pink Panther: *sticking out of his tongue* I was wondering if I could get it...

The scientist: Sir what are you doing?

Pink Panther: I was just still making what I my friend wanted to make.

The scientist: Well okay...

Pink Panther: I need to get them for a quick. 

He sends Donatello for a text message about the flowers that not colored and shows his weapons for the colored bombs that he was making.

Meanwhile at the princess's place the heat of the notification of Donnie's phone can be heard.

Donnie: Guys. Pink send me a text message to me and the plants seemed to be colorless!

Asha: Oh my god! So that means Dahlia did this?

Donnie: No I think that it's...oh wait he's FaceTime me. 

Donnie press the call button of his phone and the crew was looking at him for the news.

Pink Panther: Hey guys it's me and look what happened. You see this plants that not colored I figured it out it was a woman that the news tells me and I have finally figured it out that was a princess whose name is Ivy. Well not like the poison ivy and it's what it looks like she's a girl wearing a black and white dress and she has butterflies that make all things black and white and that's all I will see you later.

The call ended from the Pink Panther and the crew was shocked. 

Asha: Wait so the flowers are black and that means...Princess Ivy has my friend as a sidekick!

Ariel: Rapunzel knows it.

Asha: Wait so that means Ivy was here to help my friend?

Tom cat: We have a idea...

Tom cat was looking for the book about butterflies and saw and he knew it.

Tom cat: The butterflies that dangerous are the black and white butterflies can affect things black and white. They are very dangerous to affect on us we gotta go to the plant house.

Pearl: I will handle my crew for this.

Tom cat: Let's find the butterflies and make them stop and your friend Dahlia.

Asha: We're on it.

The crew grab nets and other things to stop the butterflies and then they went on their adventure.

End of chapter six...

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