Chapter 13: sports festival(motivation)

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It was the day of the UA's sports festival. Some people were nervous, some people were excited, some people were determined while some people didn't give a flying pig. The entire students of UA came to school having mixed feelings before being given a pep talk by their respective homeroom teacher before heading out to their respective locker rooms to change into their PE uniform and class 1A were no different.

Aizawa could be seen pep talking his students.

Aizawa: alright problem children I want you to go out this classroom into the field with the intention to win this thing no matter how scared or nervous you're feeling, a lot of civilians and pro heroes have their eyes on you so give them the show of a lifetime.

If any of you don't make it to the number one spot or at least if all of you don't make it past the first obstacle I am going to make sure I strangle you with my bare hands.

As he said this he displayed his hands in a strangling motion to get his point across.

And it's safe to say they were officially terrified of him.

If aizawa was trying to give them motivation or a reason not to fail, it's sure is heck working. Now they have more than enough reason not to lose, no one want's to get strangled by their homeroom teacher...I mean his hands was twice as big as their head.

Aizawa: now go out there and show them what class 1A is made of and don't forget to break a leg in the process.

Class: heck yeah.

For some reason that last part was concerning to iida.

So now class 1A had already finished putting on their PE uniforms and were now waiting to be called out into the arena.

The students were trying to calm down their nerve while some were so determined they looked like they could take on all might himself even though they are going to get their butts kicked six ways to Sunday.

Jirou and tsu were talking, uraraka was looking not so uraraka, Aoyama was practicing how he is gonna pose in front of the hundreds of camera that will be there, momo was trying to calm her nerves, Todoroki was looking like he want's to make a declaration of war to the main protagonist of this story, bakugo as usual was looking like someone told him there was pee in the cereal he ate this morning and namari was standing off to the side, arms crossed and with an unreadable expression.

It was safe to say Izuku was a nervous wreck, he sat down trying to calm his nerves. He had been doubling down on the training plan he got from nejire and he had started to notice some improvement but it wa not enough. He only started training a few days before the sports festival and that short period of time wasn't enough to improve his fitness but it did help to gain a bit of stamina.

He looked at namari in the corner of his eye. through out last week he had been trying to talk or converse with her but she just get irritated or straight up ignore him but no matter what happened he still persisted.

He was wondering if she was nervous or excited. He was about to go talk to her when a half freezer half oven intercepted him.

Oh h hey Todoroki...

Izuku was interrupted.

Todoroki: honestly speaking midoriya, I'm the strongest here.

""strongest my foot, when I'm here, I'll kick your but in 10 seconds flat"". Bakugo roared as Kaminari and sero were restraining him.

Todoroki ignored the combustable teen yelling at him and continued with what he was saying. ""Like I was saying I'm the strongest here but some how you manage to keep coming up on top, I just want to say that I'll beat you and come out on top in this sports festival midoriya. This is my declaration of war.

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