Chapter 10: silver eyes

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It was morning on the day the students were supposed to resume classes and toru was getting out of bed to prepare for the day, looking to her phone on the night stand she saw the small light her phone makes when there is a message or a notification. It was blinking that means it was a message, aside from her parents it was super rare for her to get messages this time of the day, she had contacts alright but it was rare to get messages from them unless she was the one who chatted them up. She checked who it was from to see it was from midoriya and he sent a simple "good morning" message.

Like I said it was really rare for her to get these type of messages so for toru it felt good. This is what it's like not to be forgotten, it was just a simple good morning message but for her it was more than that, izuku had no idea how happy he made someone this morning.

In class the students were waiting for homeroom to start wondering who is going to replace aizawa, while some were talking about the event of the USJ and some were doing their own things.

Iida: alright, everyone get seated.

Sero: we are all seated you're the only one standing.

Iida sat back down in shame. "I have failed as a class rep.

Kirishima and kaminari were doing their own thing.

Kirishima: do you have the merchandise.

Kaminari: yess boss.

Kirishima: any casualties

Kaminari:no casualties boss, the operation went smooth.

Kirishima: let me see the merchandise.

Kaminari hands him the merchandise .

Kirishima: *sniffs it* ah yeah that's some good stuff.

Bakugo: cut it out, you buffoons are gonna make the teachers think you guys are exchanging hard drugs, but meanwhile all you are doing is exchanging pokemon cards.

Kirishima: uh men bakugo why you gotta ruing our know you could join us.

Bakugo: I refuse to be a nerd.

Shoji: *sighs in relief* for a second I thought you guys were gonna pull out a bag of cocaine or something.

At the mention of cocaine in not more than 2 second iida was already in front of them reprimanding the two, he then proceeded to go on a long speech on why drug trafficking is bad and illegal.

Both Kirishima and kaminari glared at shoji and the ladder covered his mouth with all six of his hands while giving them an apologetic look.

This was happening in one part of the class while the other part discussed among themselves.

Tsu: I wonder who's going to take us home room ribbit.

Jirou: yeah me too.

Sero: mr. aizawa was really beaten up at the USJ so I am absolutely, confidently and stupendously sure beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is not coming toda...


the man of the hour showed up in the front door of 1a wrapped up from head to toe in bandage looking like he was a victim in a stunt accident.

Sero: you have to be kidding me.

Kirishima: aizawa sensei good to see you're feeling better.

Uraraka: if you can call that better.

Kirishima whispers to uraraka "give me some credit i am trying to lighten the mood here". "Oops sorry" she replies.

Tsu: aizawa sensei you are in terrible condition, shouldn't you be resting ?.

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