Chapter 2: what do you think you're doing!

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All might looked at his leg to see that a green haired kid was holding on to it and he immediately landed to the nearest roof top. Hey kid why did you do that you might have injured yourself. I "I am s sorry all might". Izuku stuttered after regaining his composure from a near death experience for the second time that day. not that it matters anyways seeing that he was on his way to planning his own demise before he ran into the sludg villan . all might took a good look at the kid and realized that it was the sane boy from the sludge villain incident and ask for his name. "what is your name kid". "m my name is izuku". "do you want an autograph". w " well no I I mean yes but first I want to ask you a question". "you can ask young izuku". "I I just wanted to ask if a quirkless person like me can become a hero".

meanwhile when this interaction was going on they failed to notice a figure present in that same rooftop. Huh... he is quirkless and yet he still moved to sabe that boy in the villain's grasp, he really has the hart and makings of a true hero. * sighs* I would have given him all for one but I already gave it to young mirio. he still wants to become a hero, I cant tell him that it is possible without a quirk. he will end up being eaten alive. all might thought . "well young izuku I don't think it is possible for a quirkless person to become a hero, you saw how that boy with an explosive quirk was struggling with that villain, imagine if a quirkless person was in his place, he wouldn't stand a chance". all might wasn't trying to be a dream crusher, izuku could see that but it was still disappointing,. He was running away from reality ,he didn't want to face it but this encounter with all might was a reality check. All might couldn't bear to see izuku's expression but it had to be done. all might spoke up. " I have to go young izuku but I just want to let you know that I wouldn't hesitate to help or support you in any way that I can". with that all might leaped away. All might meant what he said, he had a feeling that this wouldn't be the last time they would meet.

Back with inko, she was running around while calling izuku phone in a desperate attempt to find him but his line wasn't going through. When she stopped for a sec to take a look at her surroundings wondering where her son could be when she noticed that the area she was in was pretty damaged she asked a passer by what happened here. From what she gathered from the passer by there was a villain attack right in this very area and she was afraid that the villan could have killed her son before he even get the chance to kill himself. worrying for what her son will do to himself wasn't enough now she has to worry about a villan attacking him. She spotted a concentration of first responders and medical experts and went up to them. "Excuse me MRS but you shouldn't be here if you aren't injured".

"I am looking for my son, he has green fluffy hair and green eyes, a diamond shaped freckle and a forever petrified expression on his face, Is he here ".

"what is the name of your son ma'am". bakugo was not far off being taken care of and being checked for injuries. He heard the commotion happening close and went to investigate. "my son's name is I-izuku ".

"what the heck"!. bakugo said in confusion. inko turned and saw bakugo. "Aunty inko what are you doing here". "katsuki kun have you seen I izuku". she said in hope. "that nerd should have been back home by now ". "what are you talking about he hasn't come back home since he said he was going to take a swan dive of a roof and I am afraid that he has really done it". she said while fighting back tears. The first responder inko was talking to before listening to their conversation almost had a stroke, he wondered what in my hero academia was going on and what pushed her son to do so. Meanwhile bakugo's pride had given up on him and a truck load of guilt had ran him over.

He didn't have time to recompose himself as inko noticed the blood disappear from his face and at that point she noticed something was suspicious but decided to question it later and spoke , "katsuki have you seen my son"?.

I "izuku". bakugo stutters. now inko knew there was something wrong because bakugo never calls izuku by his name, it was always nerd.

she spoke up again, "do you know what is going on or where he is". bakugo was this close to blowing himself up, how will he face his aunt if izuku actually jumped.

he spoke, "I was attacked by a sludge villain when izuku jumped in to save me but what he was doing wasn't helping much until all might came in to save us". inko was relieved and afraid at the same time. relieved because it was good to know that her son wasn't killed by villains and there was still hope, afraid because he was still going to kill himself anyways.

bakugo after regaining some composure yelled, "come on let's go look for that dang nerd before he actually do it, it wasn't that long I saw him, there is still time". and with that he dashed off in no particular direction.

the first responder having remembering who izuku was from their conversation spoke to inko. " we will conduct a serch party but first you have to give us more information about your son".

the scene changes to izuku on the rooftop. izuku was still on the roof top digesting what all might said, every word that came out of that man's mouth was true and izuku knew it. Izuku looked around him to see that he was on a roof top,just what he was looking for, he walked up to the edge and jumped but the impact never came. he felt someone holding the back of his clothes, surprised he looked to see a guy seven years older than him in a lab coat preventing him from death. "Hey kid what do you think you are doing that is dangerous". the mysterious figure all might and izuku failed to notice intervened.

A/N: I dint give this new character a description because I am giving yall the liberty of imagining him however you want, remember to imagine responsibly. I am out.

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