Crossed Paths [Emily Engstler]

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In the vibrant city of Louisville, where the pulse of sports beat in rhythm with the city's heartbeat, Emily Engstler and Y/n Parker were stars on the rise. Emily, with her commanding presence on the basketball court, and Y/n, with her graceful prowess in volleyball, were two forces of nature destined to collide. The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the campus as students bustled about, excitement buzzing in the air like static electricity. Frat parties dotted the landscape, each one promising a night of revelry and escapism. It was amidst this whirlwind of activity that Emily and Y/n found themselves drawn to the same gathering. Emily, standing at 6'1, towered over the crowd, watched as the other partygoers got totally fucked up. So fucked up they probably won't River this day tomorrow. Her eyes scanned the room, seeking out familiar faces amidst the sea of strangers. It was then that she spotted Y/n, a vision of grace and beauty, her laughter ringing out like music in the night. Their eyes locked across the room, and in that instant, something shifted. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring them together, their paths intersecting in a collision of fate. Emily felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins as she made her way towards Y/n, her heart pounding with anticipation.
"Hey," Emily said, her voice cutting through the din of the party. Y/n turned to face her, a smile lighting up her features.
"Hey yourself," she replied, her gaze lingering on Emily's face. The air crackled with tension as they stood there, caught in a moment suspended in time. And then, as if by some unspoken agreement, they moved closer, drawn together by an invisible force. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, each word a symphony of shared experiences and mutual interests. They laughed and joked, the world around them fading into the background as they lost themselves in each other's company. As the night wore on and the party raged on around them, Emily and Y/n found themselves drawn closer and closer together, their connection undeniable. And then, in a daring move fueled by liquid courage and the heat of the moment, they shared a kiss that ignited a fire within them both. The room seemed to spin as they embraced, their bodies pressed together in a feverish dance of desire. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of them, lost in a whirlwind of passion and longing.
"Wanna show me your room?" Emily said as y/n screwed her face up.
"You want to see my room?" The shorter girl asked confused. Emily  pulled the girl a little closer before tilting her head.
"Oh you wanna see my ro- yeah let's go," she said finally catching on. Neither of the two had drank, so Emily elected to drive them back to the dorms. But the grace of god, since y/n was a senior, she was granted a single dorm, set up sort of like your average apartment. She quickly unlocked the door, and as soon as she made it in the two couldn't keep their hands off of each other. But as quickly as it began, their moment of bliss was shattered by the harsh light of reality. As the first light of dawn crept through the windows, Emily found herself slipping away, leaving Y/n alone with nothing but the memory of their night together.
Weeks had now passed, and Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that lingered in the wake of Emily's departure. She tried to reach out, to reconnect with the woman who had captured her heart, but Emily remained elusive, as if their night together had never happened. Y/n was close with a few girls on Emily's team, however she never knew of Emily to be public about her sexuality, so she never asked them anything in fear of outing the other girl. It had happened to her and it was something she vowed to never do.
Desperate for answers, Y/n turned to social media, scouring Emily's Instagram feed for any sign of her whereabouts. And that's when she saw it—the photo that shattered her heart into a million pieces. Emily, smiling brightly, her arm wrapped around Taja Felder, a star softball player at Louisville. Jealousy surged within Y/n as she realized that Emily had moved on so effortlessly, her heart now belonging to someone else. She felt betrayed, abandoned by the woman she had allowed herself to care for so deeply. She chastised herself for feeling so deeply too. It was just a one night stand. 'So what if she said she loved the way I made her feel, or that she wanted to speak to me for so long and last night she finally gained the courage. So what if she got my hopes up of this possibilly Turing to something beige ghosting me' y/n thought as she sat in her chem class. She groaned before something clicked off on her head. She reverence something she'd overheard in the locker room. Her teammate Carley was talking about her fuck buddy and she recalled the name the Ethiopian girl said while changing form her volleyball jersey.

"Yeah, if there was a list of the best eaters, Taja has to be top two, and now two. That girl has a WAY with her tongue," 

She immediately felt so bad for Emily. Even though she wanted the girl for herself, she genuinely felt bad that she was being cheated on. Meanwhile, Emily was grappling with her own demons, haunted by the memory of the night she had spent with Y/n. Try as she might, she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at her insides, a constant reminder of the pain she had caused. Determined to bury her emotions beneath a facade of indifference, Emily embarked on a reckless mission to incite jealousy within Y/n. She flirted with anyone who caught her eye, hoping to provoke a reaction, but her efforts fell flat. It wasn't until she found herself standing face to face with Y/n once again that she realized the depth of her feelings. "Y/n, wait," she called out, reaching for her arm as she tried to make sense of the chaos swirling around them. Y/n turned to face her, her eyes brimming with tears.
"Why did you do it, Em? Why did you leave me like that?" she asked, her voice trembling with emotion.
"I- I don't know," Emily stuttered, her own voice choked with emotion.
"I was scared, I guess. Scared of what it meant, what I felt. That shit is not normal after one night Y/n," Y/n shook her head, her tears falling freely now. "You broke my heart, Emily. You left me without so much as a fucking goodbye. I mean shit would have been okay if you even replied back to a dm or something for fucks sake, "
"I'm sorry," Emily whispered, her voice barely audible above the sounds of the party raging on around them.
"I never meant to hurt you, I just was trying to protect myself," Their words hung in the air between them, a tangible reminder of the pain they had both endured. And yet, despite it all, there was a glimmer of hope shining through the darkness—a chance for redemption, for forgiveness, for love.
"I have to tell you this. I can't keep this tomsyelf as much as you've hurt me, I can't allow you to hurt this much. Taja is cheating on you. At bare minimum she's talking to one fo my teammates, Carley," y/n said as Emily's eyes went wide in surprise. As the truth began to unfold, Emily found herself standing at the crossroads of betrayal and redemption. Armed with newfound knowledge, she took it upon herself to right the wrongs of the past, confronting both Taja and Carleywith the harsh reality of their entangled relationships. In the aftermath of the revelation, y/n emerged as Emily's unlikely savior, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos of their intertwined lives. With barriers broken and truths laid bare, the two women forged an unexpected bond, their shared experiences paving the way for a deeper connection to blossom. And so, in the heart of Louisville, where dreams took flight and destinies collided, Emily and Y/n's love story unfolded—a testament to the enduring power of second chances and the unyielding resilience of the human spirit.

Excuse all errors
-Tried a 3rd person pov with this one, what yall think??

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