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Aurora's pov

"I'm up! I'm up!" I shout as my body joints up.

I look in front of me and smile.

"Hi mama." I said.

"Hi, you ok, il mio piccolo sole?"

Translation: my little sunshine.

"I'm ok mama. Ah wheres papa?" I asked.

"In the living room, with the boys." She said.

"Ok, thank you mama." I whispered as she nodded.

I leave my office walking towards the living room, once I arrive I look to see papa. Liam and Luca on his right and left.

"Move." I whispered.

"Hey! Hey!" They shout.

I move my right hand to the right, then I lay my hand flat. I smile as they both fall to the ground.

I look at papa walking towards him and climbing into his lap.

"Rest, il mio solo." I do as he says, closing my eyes.

Translation: my sun.

( Dream )

"Mano mazoji ragana." I hear a familiar voice.

Translation: My little witch.

Language: Lithuanian.

Turning around I smile. "Mum!" I shout excited as I see my birth mom.

"Anton is looking for you. He went to your house but didn't see you, my little ragana, you are a smart one." She said proudly as I smile.

Translation: Witch

"I-i can bring you back and dad too!" I shout, mum freezes.

"Magic is very dangerous, my ragana." Mama says.

'Like i'll listen.' I thought as I mentally rolled my eyes.

"A-am I able to see dad?" I asked curiously.

"Yea, would you like to meet him?" She asked as I nodded eagerly.

A few seconds later a man appeared.

The man smiled.

"You were right, my love. She's all grown up into a beautiful young lady." The man-my dad says smiling as he looks at me.

"Of course I was right, I'm always right." Mum says as I giggle.

"So, I've heard my beautiful daughter has some crazy man in love with her." Dad says as I smile nodded, I sit on the floor as they sit.

"He forced me to marry him." I said, my dad's eyes widened.

"Just like in the stories, it would have been wonderful if he was a good man." Mum says.

"Maybe, also my age too." I said as mum giggles.

"I'm sure it would be ok if he was older too." Mum says giggling as she holds her right hand over her mouth covering her light pink cheeks.

Dads eyes darken. "So, are you saying if you had a choice to choose over me and an older man you'd choose the older man?" Dad says crossing his arms over his chest.

Mum's eyes widen. "No!" She shouts defending herself.

"Bye darling' I'll connect to you later." Dad says then gets up and leaves as he stomps off.

"Older men just do it better." Mum says as my eyes widen, I look at her in disbelief.

"I've had some experiences with older." Mum says giggling then she disappears leaving me shocked.

(End of dream )

Waking up I sigh shaking my head remembering everything.

Looking around I see i'm in my room, perfect!

Getting the four candles I put them in a square shape, sitting in the middle I close my eyes.

I put my hands into a ball. "Fire." I whispered as I open my hands. Opening my eyes I look to see the candles have fire on the black stick.

Closing my eyes I vision my biological mum and dad.

"Grizk, grizk, ne tik vienas, o du. Surgrizk is numirusiu." I said, as a lot of wind hit me.

Translation: Come back, come back, not just one but two. Come back from the dead.

Opening my eyes I look around me, no more wind and the candles are out.

"I must have messed up something." I said out loud.

Getting up I pick up the candles and put them away. Then I walk out.

Walking into the kitchen I see everyone.

"Hello." I said as everyone smiles looking at me.

"Did you rest ok, you where out as a light." Papa says as I giggle.

"Slept like a baby." I said.

Turning around I bump into someone. Looking up I scream.

"Ahhhhhh!" I shout, I stop yelling.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" My dad and mom shouts looking at me then each other.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" I shout again.

"What did you do?!" Mum shouts, I smile sheepishly, slowly turning around then running away.

Anton couldn't kill me but my mum sure as hell will. I'm sure Anton will still find me pretty with my corpse grey and ugly. I know I would, I mean i'm a beauty.

Counted words: 769

Counted words: 769

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