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Auoura's pov

Gun shoot.

I look at Tom, he pulls me behind him. Anton's men and him, himself are holding guns at Tom.

Tom raises a gun at Anton.

I look at Anton to see him holding his stomach, blood on the white clear floor.

He looks at me, his grip on the gun tight, too tight.

He does care about me. I can see that. Hes obsessed with me. It's me or my powers, probably me. He doesn't talk much about them. But he ruined everything, my whole childhood. Took the one thing I was supposed to give to someone willing. He trained me in a monster, more of a monster that I was supposed to be. He made me kill so many inoccent people; children men woman, unborn babies.

He himself killed his own blood. His family, Mia's parents.

He says he loves me, that he cares about me. That's not love. Love is not full of violence. Love is not one sided.

I'll be honest. Maybe, at some point I did kind of cared for Anton, but I just stopped. He can be kind, only when he wants to, he's brutal indeed he is.

"Auoura. Please, come here, love." Anton begs. His eyes soften looking at me.

Slowly his eyes trail down as they darken I look down. Tom's hand on my hand as he holds me behind him.

"Don't touch her." Anton says darkly.

Antons eyes shift back to me.

"Please come." He begged.

I once begged. I begged him to stop, I begged him to get off me. I begged him to not let me kill them. He didn't stop. No matter how much I begged and begged he didn't stop. No matter how much I cried and pleased he didn't stop.

"Ju - just please let us go." I whispered looking down.

"I'm your husband." Anton snaps his voice louder.

"You're my rapist. A grown man married to a girl, a girl who was only eight." I said as gasps fill the room.

"Let them go." Anton says, my eyes snap to him.

He smirks. The smirk is evil, creepy. His smirk is my worst nightmare. He's my worst nightmare.

"Let them go." He repeated.

"I'll find you. I always do, always have always will. No matter what I'll get you, you can run you can hide, and I'll always find you. I'm always their with you. When your sleeping I'll haunt you in your dreams. You'll feel my hands on you, and no matter how much you shower with hot water you'll still feel the heat of my hands lingering on your soft beautiful body. Run. Go ahead." He says smiling, blood coming out of his mouth.

"Come on." Tom says grabbing my hand. We run out.

Once we're outside we get in a limbo.
Before papa can close the door shut i hear a voice.

"Auntie Auoura!" Papa keeps the door open as Mia runs towards us frowing.

"Are you going to leave?" She ask her chin wobbling, tears filling her eyes.

"Not with out you." I whisper, her eyes lit up as she comes in, I sit her on my lap.

I look out as we pass the gates.

"Were going to Italy." Papa says as I nod.

" Papa says as I nod

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