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Auoura's pov

"I'm joking. I'm not a monster." I said.

I look at Salvatore to see him thinking.

We watch as he gets up and quickly leaves. Is he ok?

Deciding to check on him, I get up and leave.

A few minutes after walking, I watched Sav go up the stairs.

Really? I'm too lazy for this.' I thought.

Despite beging lazy and cranky for not getting my candy, I still go up.

Looking at Salvatore, I lift up my hand only to freeze.

I'll just knock instead of busting the door open.' I thought.

I knock on the door softly.

"Come in." I hear a deep voice. Opening the door I go in.

I look to see Salvatore sitting on the bed, his head down. I frown.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I walk towards him.

No answer.

"Are you sick?" I ask.

Still no answer.

I touch his hand. My eyes widen.

( Salvatore's memory. )

"I'll ask you one more time, where's Auoura?" Salvatore ask, he doesn't look good. His hair is messy, his face has hair like he hasn't shaved.

"I - I don't know." The man says, his Russian accent showing.

Two gun shot goes off, the Russian man screams, pain and anger.

My eyes widen more as I look at Salvatore, his gun in the air. In front of  Salvatore is a woman and a little boy. They're both on the floor, blood coming out of their stomachs. Fresh tears on their cheeks.

( The end of Salvatore's memories. )

I take my hand off Salvatore's forehead. My eyes still widen.

"Y - you -"

"I killed them. I'm sorry. Do I regret? No." Sav says looking at me. My eyes soften as I see tears filling his eyes.

" I promise to protect you, you always where by me. Growing up you always wanted to be by me you copied me, you always looked up to me. A - and when you went missing I went crazy. I killed so much people, so much inoccent people just to get you back to us. Th - the day you got taken I hated myself so so much." Salvatore says wiping his tears.

"It wasn't your fault, you couldn't have known baba." I said frowing.

"D - do you hate me?" Sav asked.

"No, I could never. I could never hate the person I stole candy from." I said as Salvatore looks at me smiling.

"I knew it was you!" He says smiling.

"Yea... remember when Liam's shirt caught on fire and he thought Blake did it?" I questioned.

"Yea." He answered.

"It was me, I did it on a accident, so I put the blame all on Blake." I said as he laughs.

Im bored.' I thought.

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