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Third person pov

Through the glass, Anton watches Auoura who is laying on the white soft small bed.

Anton knows Auoura is going to get mad. She hates the place. Heck, she probably hates it more than Anton.

Slowly Auoura begins to stir. She wakes up. Looking around her eyes darken.

She looks at the window her eyes landing on Anton.

Anton freezes, he's scared. He's never been this scared.But this time he is. Auoura hasn't taken her medicine, without the pills, she's violent reckless and more ruthless.

Psychiatric hospitals. That's where she is.

She looks at the white walls, the walls are made out of foam.

Standing up, she slowly walks towards the window.

She grins. The grin isn't friendly, sweet. It's cold, dangerous. Heck, it brings you chills even thinking about It.

"Anton. Let me out, please?" Auoura says softly smiling as sweetly as she can.

If Anton was a fool, he'd agree and let her out. But he's not going to make the same mistake.

He doesn't answer, he just looks at her.

In anger Auoura bangs her hands on the window causing the guards to flinch.

"You did this to me." She whispers.

"You did this to me." She repeated, only for her voice to be louder.

"You did this to me! I wouldn't be here if you didn't put me in HERE THE FIRST PLACE!" She shouts banging her hands on the window.

She looks at Anton, her frown turning into a smile then into a grin.

Laughing she looks at them all.

She puts her face softly on the window, slowly moving her head back then hitting it hard on the window.

She does this a few more times. Blood running down her head.

"Stop!" Anton shouts.

"Open the door!" Anton demands.

One of the guards runs towards the door opening it.

Anton runs in, Auoura still hitting her head.

Anton's grabs Auoura getting her on the floor. He gets on top of her holding her hands to the floor and feet.

Looking at him, she smiles. She lifts her head up, then throws it on the floor.

"Stop it! P - please? Please stop." Anton whispers.

Auoura looks at him smiling. "Do you feel bad?" She asking lifting her face towards him.

"Do you feel bad?" She repeated.

"You did this. It's your fault. Everything is fault." She said, laughing.

"Im sorry. I'm really sorry, just please stop hurting yourself. It hurted me seening you in the bathroom like that." He said softly.

Auoura eyes soften. "O - ok, I'll stop." She says.

He nods getting up. Auoura gets up pushes Anton to the floor. Getting on top of him she grabs his head banging it on the floor.

Quickly the guards grab her, one of them sticking a needle into her neck.

Once again she slowly goes into darkness.

Auoura pov

I groan waking up. My head pounding. Getting my vision black I look around.

The room is white. I'm on a bed, to be more specific I'm strapped to it.

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