Chapter 8 Summer Day

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I woke up and sat up in bed, I got out of bed and looked in my closet for an outfit. I took out a pair of black shorts and a white tank top, I brushed my hair and went down the stairs with my cell phone in hand. I went into the kitchen and everyone was out by the pool swimming, I went out to the pool.

J: "Hey honey, how did you sleep?"

N: "I slept very well, what about you?"

J: "It's all right, today is the end of your curfew"

Yes,I'm going to have breakfast now" I said cheerfully

J: "Okay"

I went back in and got out a sandwich and Nutella, I sat down and went on Snapchat. Jason had written:

Jason: "Hey, do you want to meet today? (❤️)"

N: "Yes of course, shall we meet at my place now?"

Jason: "Okay"

I ate the sandwich quickly and went out to the others and said I would be with Jason.

J: "Okay, but we won't be home when you get home, we're going to go with Layla and do some shopping"

N: "Okay, see you later"

I walked in and put on my shoes at the front door, I walked out the door and saw Jason coming out of his house. I walked up to him and we hugged,

Jason: "Hey let's go"

N: "Yes, are you wearing a bathing suit?"

Jason: "Yes, you have"

N: "Oh no, sorry I forgot"

Jason: "yes, but it's okay, you can only swim in your underwear?"

N: "Okay?”I answer nervously

We went down to the beach and took off our clothes and ran into the sea. We splashed each other and wrestled, we laughed out loud.

N:"We can go to my house after, no one is home.

Jason: “Yeah sure”

We continued splashed at each other and wrestled for a while until I said,

N: "Shall we go to my house and cook?"

Jason: "Yes"

We went up to our clothes and hugged them, Jason took my hand and we walked to my house. I unlocked the door and we went up to my room we changed, and went down to the kitchen.

N: "What shall we cook?"

Jason: “Maybe pizza”

N: "Yes, good idea"

We brought out all the ingredients,

N: "Shall we make a heart-shaped pizza base?"

Jason: “Yes, you are so creative”

I looked at him and smiled, we continued cooking and finally the pizza was ready. We each took out a plate and took it for ourselves, we sat down at the table and began to eat.

Jason: “This was so good”

N: "Yes, we are real cooks, shall we watch a movie after this?"

Jason: “Yeah, can't we watch The grinch?”

N: "Yes, it's great, but it's a Christmas movie"

Jason: "Well, you can watch Christmas movies in the summer with"

"Okay" I said and laughed

When we had finished eating, we set the table, we went to the living room and sat on the sofa. I put on the movie, I leaned against his shoulder. He looked me in the eyes and we kissed, I looked at each other and smiled. I sat in his arms and we continued watching the movie, when the movie was over Jason had to go home.

Jason:"Unfortunately, I have to go now, but I'll see you another day"

N: "What,now?"

Jason: "Yes unfortunately"

Jason got up and we went to the front door, he put on his shoes and kissed me on the cheek.

Jason: "See you"

"Goodbye" I said and smiled

He went out and closed the door, I went back to the couch and took my cell phone out of my back pocket. I went on Snapchat and Jason had sent a picture when he was on his way home, I sat and looked at the picture. I felt happy in my whole body when I looked at the picture, I hear the door open and, "Hello" shouts mom.

N: "Hello, have you bought anything."

S:”Yes come and check"

I got off the sofa and went to the front door, everyone was holding up a big bag.

N: "Oh, how much you have bought"

J: "Yes, the day after tomorrow you and Layla are going shopping, if you want"

N: "Wow, yes, what fun!"

J: "Yes!"

O: "What about Jason then?"

N:"We swam in the sea and ate pizza"

J: "What fun!"

J:"I'm going to start making beef and potato, does anyone want to join?"

N: “Me!”

J: “No one else?”

"No," Oliver and Sophia answer in chorus.

Me and mom started cooking tacos together, when we were done we laid out everything.

"The food is ready," shouts mom”
Sophia and Oliver run down the stairs and into the kitchen. Everyone sat down and started to put on their plates, "Oliver, how is Emma" asked mom

O: "I think she is good"

J:"What have you broken up?"

O: "Well, I don't know"


J: "Yes"

Everyone ate and set the table, I went up to my room and closed the door. I got into bed and watched my favorite YouTuber, "Does anyone want to watch a movie?" shouts mom from the living room.

O: “I want!”

S: "Me with"

Sophia and Oliver ran down to the living room and mom put on a movie, I called Jason. But he didn't answer, suddenly Lucas texted me.

L: "Hello"

N: "Hello"

L: "How are you?"

N: "I'm fine, you?"

L: "I'm fine, thanks"

L: "Do you want to see me tomorrow"

I was a bit shocked, I never really thought that Lucas and I would see each other?

N: "Yes, of course"

L: "Shall we meet at my place at 12 tomorrow?"

N: "Okay"

I continued watching YouTube until it was 11 p.m., I got up from the bed and went out on the balcony. I checked in on Jason's house, Lucas was sitting by the pool waving. I waved back, I went back inside and took out my pajamas.

I changed and went to bed, I texted everyone goodnight but no one answered, everyone was probably busy watching movies. I put the phone down and got up and turned off the light, I went back to bed and tried to sleep. After a while I finally fell asleep.

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