Kapitel 3 Dinner

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I woke up the next day with the sunlight right in my face, I got out of bed and went downstairs. Everyone had already started eating breakfast, I took myself a sandwich with butter and cheese.

J:"Did you sleep well?"

"Yes" I answered in a tired voice

N: "I was thinking of going to the beach today, anyone want to go with me?"

J: "I can come along"

N: "Okay, Oliver and Sophia, aren't you coming with us then?"

"No" both answer.

N: "I'll get up and change then"

J: "Yes”

I ran up to my room and changed into a black skirt that was tight and quite short and a white T-shirt with my black bikini underneath. I put in a towel, sunscreen in my beige beach bag.

"I'm ready" I called

J: "Okay, come on, let's go"

I walked out of my room down the stairs, mom was ready at the front door. We walked out the door and shouted goodbye. It was about 20 meters to the sea so it was very close, there was a small path that led us down to the sea. When we arrived at the beach, there were quite a few people there, the sea was completely turquoise and glittering. We put a towel on the soft white sand to sit on, I took off my shirt and skirt. Underneath I wore my bikini, I laid down on the towel and sunbathed for a while. I also alternated between reading my book, which I had gotten pretty far into.

N: "I go and take a bath"

J:"Yes, darling"

The water was so nice and warm, mom took a lot of photos of me while I was swimming, mom had taken photos of us anyway since we were little and I often look at all the photos because they were memories from when I was little. I got out of the water and sat on our towel.

J: "Would you like an ice cream Nalia?"

N: "Yes, chocolate ice cream"

J: "I'll fix that"

N: "Thank you"

Mum went off to the shop which was a short distance away, I sat down and started reading my book again. Mom came back with a chocolate ice cream.

J: "Here you go"

N: "Thank you mom"

We were on the beach for a few hours and had lunch, we each had a salad. But mom had to go back and start cooking because our neighbors were coming over a little later in the evening. I put on my clothes and we packed everything up.

We went back the way we came from, when we got home mom started cooking and I went up to my room and changed into my black long dress, I hung my black bikini on the railing of my balcony. I then put my clothes I had during the day in my drawers in the closet, I took my make-up kit into the bathroom and started to put on my make-up. I sprayed perfume and took deodorant.

When I was done, I went downstairs and checked on mom who was cooking.

N:"What are you cooking"

J:"Tacos, God, you're so nice!"

N: "Thank you, mom, How good. Where are Oliver and Sophia?”

J:"They are buying dessert, but they will come soon"

N: " okay”

J: "You might as well start setting the table, they'll be here soon"

N: "Okay"

S: "hello, we're home"

J:"how good"

I set out gray plates with silverware and a glass each, then I went up to my room and called Maddison.

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