tummy time traditions

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The morning light filtered softly through the nursery windows, casting a warm glow over the room where Victoria Monét and her daughter, affectionately nicknamed Hazelnut, were preparing for a day of growth and bonding. It was "tummy time," a daily routine crucial for Hazel's development, and Victoria was fully committed to making it as enjoyable and beneficial for her little one as possible.

Spread out on a brightly colored, cushioned mat, Hazel was already showing signs of enthusiasm, her tiny legs kicking and arms waving in the air. Victoria lay down facing her, encouraging her with smiles and gentle coos. "Come on, Hazelnut, you can do it!" she cheered, as Hazel lifted her head, looking around curiously at the stimulating environment her mother had created.

The room was quiet, save for the soft background music playing tunes from Victoria's own albums—melodies that seemed to calm and captivate Hazel. Throughout the morning, Victoria engaged her daughter with various sensory toys that jingled and crinkled, enhancing Hazel's motor skills and her awareness of her surroundings.

Meanwhile, Cody was at the gym, training intensely for an upcoming live wrestling event. His mind was on his family, imagining Victoria and Hazel enjoying their day, his heart swelling with love and a touch of longing to join them. His sessions were grueling, but thoughts of returning home to his girls provided all the motivation he needed to push through.

By late afternoon, Cody returned, muscles aching but spirits high. As he entered the nursery, the sight of his two favorite people on the mat filled him with joy. "Looks like I'm just in time for the best part of the day," he announced cheerfully, quickly changing into more comfortable clothes before joining them on the floor.

Victoria scooted over to make room for him. "Hazelnut has been trying new moves today. She's getting so strong," she said, her voice brimming with pride.

Cody lay down next to Hazel, his face close to hers, and she responded with a gurgly giggle, her small hand reaching out to touch his face. "Hey there, little warrior," he whispered, gently guiding her arms to encourage her movements. The family shared a series of heartwarming interactions, with each little milestone Hazel reached celebrated with claps and cheers.

As they spent the rest of the evening together, Cody and Victoria talked about making tummy time a special routine for the three of them, a daily practice where they could bond and witness Hazel's growth firsthand. They agreed that regardless of their busy schedules, this was a priority—to nurture their daughter's development and to strengthen their family bond.

"This is what it's all about," Cody said as he watched Hazel intently focus on grabbing a colorful toy. "These moments, they're priceless."

Victoria nodded, laying her head on Cody's shoulder. "Absolutely. It's the simple routines that build the strongest memories."

As the sun began to set, casting a golden light into the room, the family continued their new tradition, filled with laughter and love. Cody and Victoria were determined to cherish these early days with Hazel, knowing that each one was a fleeting treasure. With tummy time now a cornerstone of their daily life, they looked forward to every opportunity to help their little Hazelnut explore the world from the safety and comfort of their loving arms.

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