morning melody

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The first rays of sunlight gently pierced through the sheer curtains, casting a warm, golden glow across the room. Cody Rhodes, nestled under the soft duvet, stirred from his slumber, the tranquility of the morning embracing him. As his eyes fluttered open, they landed on the serene face of Victoria Monèt, who lay beside him, her breathing even and peaceful. The sight filled his heart with an indescribable warmth, a silent testament to the unexpected yet profound connection they had discovered in each other.

The previous night had been a whirlwind of emotions, a beautiful blend of Cody's wrestling world and Victoria's musical realm and the beautiful lovemaking after. They had found solace in their shared laughter, dreams, and aspirations, realizing that beneath the surface, their hearts beat to the same rhythm.

As Victoria's eyelashes began to flutter, signaling her return to the waking world, Cody couldn't help but admire how the morning light danced across her features, enhancing her natural beauty. Her eyes, reflecting the myriad hues of the dawn sky, met his, and a soft smile graced her lips.

"Good morning," Cody whispered, his voice barely above a murmur, as if afraid to break the magic of the moment.

"Morning," Victoria replied, her voice a melodic tune that perfectly complemented the bird songs outside. "Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby," Cody confessed, his hand finding hers under the covers, their fingers intertwining effortlessly. "Thanks to the best company."

Victoria's smile widened, her heart fluttering at the sincerity in his words. "I could say the same. You make everything better, Cody."

Their morning was unhurried, basking in the comfort of each other's presence. They talked about everything and nothing, from Cody's thrilling matches to Victoria's soul-stirring lyrics, their conversation flowing as naturally as the morning breeze.

Eventually, they rose, the promise of the day calling to them. As they stood side by side, Cody wrapped an arm around Victoria's waist, pulling her close. He looked into her eyes, seeing not just the brilliant artist she was but the incredible woman he had come to adore.

"Last night, and waking up next to you this morning... it's been perfect," Cody said, his voice laced with emotion. "I don't know what the future holds, but I know I want you in mine."

Victoria's heart swelled, her eyes glistening with unshed tears of joy. "Cody, you've brought so much light into my life. I feel the same way. Let's not worry about the future just yet. For now, let's just enjoy this... us."

And with those words, they sealed their morning promise with a kiss, soft and lingering, a promise of more beautiful mornings to come. As they stepped out into the day, hand in hand, the world seemed to shine a little brighter, their hearts in perfect harmony, ready to face whatever lay ahead, together. As Cody and Victoria ventured into the kitchen, the air was filled with a sense of new beginnings. Cody, taking the lead, began to prepare breakfast, his movements confident yet tender, as if every action was a silent serenade to Victoria. She, in turn, set the table, her graceful movements complementing his, their synergy palpable in the quiet morning air.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the sweet scent of pancakes on the griddle, creating a cozy atmosphere that felt like a warm embrace. Victoria couldn't help but watch Cody, admiring the concentration and care he put into every flip of a pancake, every stir of the coffee. It was in these simple moments that she found herself falling even deeper, the everyday Cody just as captivating as the one under the bright lights of the wrestling ring.

"Need any help?" Victoria offered, her voice breaking the comfortable silence.

Cody looked over his shoulder, a playful smirk on his face. "Can you handle the strawberries and whipped cream? I think they're crucial for the perfect breakfast experience."

With a laugh, Victoria accepted the task, finding the strawberries and cream in the fridge. As she sliced the strawberries, she couldn't help but feel a rush of contentment. This, right here, was happiness in its purest form—simple, unadorned, and real.

Breakfast was served, and they took their seats, the table a small island in the midst of a vast, uncertain world. Yet, in that moment, nothing else mattered. The food was delicious, but it was their conversation that truly fed their souls. They shared stories of their childhoods, dreams they had chased, and the scars they had earned along the way. Each word, each revelation, brought them closer, weaving their lives together with threads of understanding and respect.

As the meal came to an end, they lingered at the table, neither eager to break the spell that the morning had cast. Cody reached across the table, his hand covering Victoria's, a silent vow of solidarity.

"I have to head to training soon," Cody said, reluctance clear in his tone. "But I wish I could just freeze this moment."

Victoria squeezed his hand in return, her smile bittersweet. "I know, but the best part about moments is making more of them. And something tells me we'll have plenty."

Cody nodded, the inevitability of their separate worlds momentarily dimming the light of the morning. Yet, as they stood, clearing the table together, the promise of what was to come seemed to reignite the spark between them.

With one last lingering look, Cody finally stepped out, the warmth of the morning sun enveloping him as he turned to wave goodbye. Victoria watched from the doorway, her heart full yet aching with the bittersweet pang of his absence. But she knew this was just the beginning; their story was just starting to unfold, each chapter promising more laughter, more understanding, and more love.

As she closed the door, Victoria leaned against it, a contented sigh escaping her lips. Yes, the future was uncertain, and yes, their paths might be fraught with challenges. But one thing was crystal clear: whatever lay ahead, they would face it together, their bond a beacon guiding them through the darkest nights and into the brightest mornings.

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