The funeral

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( Zach pov) It was a sunny day but too us it felt dark and empty, we arrived at the building outside members of our pack greeted us as they flooded Dokata with apologies and condolences. Members of our school were there along with distant family members. Inside was a tiny coffin it was halfway open Dokata stopped at the door way Blake was still missing so I took upon myself to look after her " Dokata, you don't have to go up there you can go sit if you want too" I say too her trying to comfort her. She sighs wipping the tears from her eyes " no, I have to do this for ezra. " she says walking towards the front she looks inside the coffin crying " he looks like he's sleeping " she says looking at me Noah sighs heavily crying behind me " he's with the moon godess now he's at peace." Jesse lowers his head as we stand in a line and people start giving there condolences. I nudge Noah gently as I see Blake enter as he stands over the coffin crying talking to ezra. Dokata walks over to him hugging him tightly crying he leans on her shoulder crying heavily she holds him tightly " Blake, I love you ....we can do this together. Our boys need us we need eachother Blake. " he leans his head against hers " I'm sorry Kat, I was supposed to protect you and our boys I failed " she lifts his chin " Blake you didn't fail us, it wasn't anyone's fault. She kisses him softly on the cheek and he takes her hand standing next too me. I whisper to him " where have you been?" " I needed time to myself okay " " you left Dokata by herself at school after we found out about our son." I say to him he glares at me angirly " first of all , ezra Aaron and Adrian are my sons ....ezra was my son not yours! And I didn't ditch my mate okay I went to the crime scene " I raise my eyebrow at him confused " why?" " To get evidence against the park to use in court. " we turn seeing that Dokata has disappeared outside and Jesse is with her. Noah sighs you two are upsetting her more , she just wants too put ezra to rest can't you understand that ? Finding your mate is hard enough but when you lose their child .....Blake she feels like she failed you not the other way around. She is your mate her duty to provide you children to keep the pack going ....she feels like ezra's death is her fault. That you will reject her " I raise my eyebrow at him confused " how do you know that?" I ask him curiously " I'm a hybrid I can read minds remember?" He says looking at me I nod at him slowly I look at Blake placing my hand on his face " go check on Dokata, you were right are right ezra and the boys are your sons and she is your mate I'm their uncle. You need to be with her" ( Dokata pov) I stood outside crying as my brother hugged me tightly " Dokata, you are the strongest girl I know. The pain it won't ever go away but'll get easier. Especially because you have your mate on your side " Blake walks over hugs me tightly crying " Kat I'm sorry babe I should have contacted your feelings about this ." He says kissing me softly I sigh heavily looking at him " Blake it's alright, you're hurting too. Blake we need too talk after the funeral " I say to him sighing heavily The funeral started as the head wolf spoke asif he knew my son. I stood there frozen crying as they lowered the tiny coffin into the ground. I said one last good bye too my baby boy and headed too the car. Zach took a separate vehicle from me , Blake and Noah so I was now able to speak too Blake " you wanted to talk with me or we can just sit here...." he says looking at me caringly I nod at him " Blake I met someone today...." he looks at me confused noah looks at me threw the rear view mirror cautiously " oh? Who was this person babe ?" Blake asks curiously I sigh heavily looking at him my eyes turning toward Noah " she said said her name is Chloe....Carter and that she is your half sister. That your father didn't want a human for a daughter so he ditched her mother and a rich woman who family was related to the hybrids in town. Your father and mother were having money troubles so after throwing away his own daughter he went too her family with Noah to beg for money. He made Noah promise not too tell you and Zach any of it because he didn't want you telling your mom! But chole came to your house the night of your parents funeral Noah let her in it was like two in the morning he told you guys she was just an old friend he was taking care of it. Making you think it was another notch in his belt! Chloe even came to the hospital when I was there she told me so....she said that you Noah , her and Jesse were all friends " I glare at Noah Blake raises his eyebrow confused " wait we have a sister you never told us about how does Jesse fit in too all this he asks curiously I sigh looking at Noah as he stops the car in the driveway there standing in the driveway talking too Zach and Jesse is Chloe. Noah slams his hand on steering wheel angirly " Fuck!" He says getting out the car Blake and I step out watch him Noah sighs looking at Chloe then at Jesse " she won't reason with me anymore Noah, she doesn't understand were trying to keep her safe " Jesse folds his arms fustratedly Chloe raises her eyebrow at him " protect me, that's a joke ! After I spent my entire senior year being your fake girlfriend so you could secretly continue to go fuck my brother and we were all best friends the worst part is the two of you never had the balls to tell me you were dating I got a text from Jesse one morning saying " thanks for your help " and never herd or saw you two afterwards. You treated me so unkind , and Noah I thought you were ashamed of me......I thought you were like father and wanted me out if your life so I transferred schools. " Noah sighs hugging her tightly crying " Chloe I'm not ashamed of you...and our father was a playboy asshole every one knows that. I should not have ghosted you back then, you needed family ....and I was afraid what Zach and Blake would say about you I didn't want your feelings hurt." Blake raises his eyebrow at Noah looks at Zach then at Chloe " we don't judge a book by its cover Noah you taught us that remember you raised us not dad. Chloe is a Carter too so she stays she can stay with us " Zach says smiling at her Blake steps forward " Chloe you went to high school with Jesse and Noah right ?" She nods at him smiling " yes why do you ask Blake?" " how old are you exactly?" Well humans age different then werewolves and vampires so ....twenty five years old " Zach smirks nudging Noah " she's technically older than you so she's the oldest Carter . " Noah sighs heavily " I know that! " Noah looks at Jesse " just say your sorry " Jesse raises his eyebrow at Noah " I'm not going to apologize to some human slut that maybe telling lies how do you know she's actually Chloe hmmm? Zach glared at Jesse angirly " you have no right calling her a slut! After you used her for your own lies leading her on. " I sigh " enough !" I shout at Jesse  " I just buried my son your nephew, stop being a danm asshole and appoligize! I just want this fucking day over with " I scream throwing my purse crying as Zach and Blake come and hold me as I drop to me knees crying " he's not dead .....I know he's not ....Jesse came back." I cry Blake scoops me up carrying me upstairs ( Chloe pov) I stood there frozen crying watching the event that took place " I'm just going too go I'll call you guys later okay. " Noah sighs heavily looking at me " you can't be alone right now it's not safe Chloe, Zach go with her. Atleast she'll have some protection until I get there. " he says I was there for one reason that day to tell Dokata and her two mates that what happened to ezra wasn't an accident. " can I speak with Dokata before I go please?" I ask Noah Jesse snaps back " Not a good idea!" Noah sighs heavily looking at me " two minutes " he says letting me in with Zach by my side I run up the stairs and close the door Dokata sits up slowly as she Blake and Zach look at me confused " I've only got two minutes, but listen carefully what happened to ezra wasn't an accident Jesse and Noah were at the park and under attack....I know who killed your son come see me at the maple moon motel " I leave escorted by Zach we arrive at the hotel Zach sighs heavily glaring at me " you better not be lying or I'll kill you myself right now!" I look at him " I know who did it because I have a son and a daughter my son goes to your school. Jax he's sixteen and my daughter is three, Ava ." Zach nods at me " yeah he's on my team , had no idea he was my cousin though " he laughs slightly. " so who attacked the park ?" He asks curiously I sigh heavily looking at him as someone knocks on the door as we here Blake whispering " Jaxon what the fuck are you doing here?" I open the door as Blake is protecting Dokata and Jax is protecting Ava. " Don't swear infront of my little sister! I'm here because Chloe is our mom and she asked me too come to explain what happened at park that day. " Dokata shakes her head confused " wait so your Zach and Blake's cousins?" She asks curiously Jax nods at her smiling " mom wanted us to wait too tell anyone until she re united with her brothers. " they come inside and sit down ava hugs me tightly " mommy!" She says running leaving Jaxon 's side. " you're safe Ava I've got you . " Blake sighed heavily " alright Jaxon tell us everything " he says looking at Jaxon " well, okay ....Noah and Jesse called my mom too meet up at the park , they wanted to talk too her about someone named Lukas Bane " Zach raises his eyebrow at Jax " wait Bane you mean the warlock? Why would he want too kill one of our children?" Zach asks confused Jaxon continues " well I was watching the babies and ava on the swings as the others talked and I overheard wolf ears...I overheard Noah say Jesse owed him some money and was in a deep hole . Apparently Jesse and Noah have been gambling since high school, they told my mom because she ran into money when our dad died. But mom refused to help them our dad knew some sketchy people too. He worked for Amber's father who was a tycoon. Bane and his men found us at the park but he wasn't alone he had Amber's father's security with him we were just talking having fun , I sensed it the fire coming off him so I screamed at the adults and grabbed ava and Aaron. Jesse grabbed Adrian but when he went to grab ezra Bane he....he...literally cooked him infront of us. " Jaxon begins to cry I hug him tightly Dokata sighs heavily crying as she gets up slowly and hugs Jaxon " you tried to save him Jax, thank you for telling us the truth. I'm going to hunt Bane down and kill him!" I raise my eyebrow at her worriedly " dear , Bane is powerful.....he'll kill you " she glares at me angirly " Not when I'm this angry Chloe, that bastard killed my son and I will kill him for what he did too my family even if does cost my life" she walks out of the hotel room as we all sit there figuring out a way to stop her.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 30 ⏰

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