New school

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( Noah pov) As Kat slept on the sofa I made sure to make it clear too my brothers to not take her vulnerability for advantage. Maybe it was my jealousy talking I don't know.....maybe it was because Jesse and I were like brothers and for forever I saw Kat as Dorky sister we never had. " I'm going to tell you both one time one time only kissing no dating Kat! Understand me !?" Zach and Blake look at me raising their eyebrows " hey bro last time I checked you aren't the boss of who we date " Zach says folding his arms raising his eyebrow at me sighing heavily " Last time I checked, both of you are to listen too me until mom gets home from her conference."
I said sighing heavily Blake looks over at Kat sleeping on the sofa " fine have it your way Noah, but don't act like me kissing Kat didn't bother you!" He says bluntly I pin him to the wall angry with tears in my eyes as Zach tries too pull me off of Blake I accidentally elbow Zach giving him a black eye waking up Kat she ran over too me shouting " Noah! Get your hands off him now!" She demanded with tears in her eyes I knew she was hurting and I was acting like an asshole. " Kat, I'm sorry. " she shook her head at me sighing heavily and helped Zach up then looked over at Blake " Blake are you alright?" She asks him worriedly he nods at her " come with me both of you I'll fix up your eye Zach. " she says too my brothers as she goes to leave the room I gently grab her wrist " Noah, it was my brother's dying wish that you his best friend take me in as my guardian I will go along with it. But don't ever pull this shit again Noah understand me? My brother is dead my entire family is gone and they're never coming back! You three fighting won't help anything " she says walking away. I sigh heavily knowing she's right. ( Kats pov) I close the bathroom door in the master bathroom where I'm staying. I pull out the first aid kit and begin tending to zach's cut next to his eye. " ow!" He says as I apply the alcohol and clean it then place a bandage over top " there all fixed. " I say too him smiling he gets up and leaves the room Blake smirks at me since when are you a doctor?" He asks leaning on the door frame. I sigh smirking back at him " I herd what you said too Noah about him being jealous about you kissing me is that true?" Blake blushes brightly " ummm...yeah sorry you herd that , no I was angry at him...and he told me and Zach can't date you ." I raise my eyebrow at him annoyed " Noah told you who to date?!" I say angirly he nods at me " Blake stay here" I say to him walking across the hallway opening Noah's door as I catch him in a towel out the shower " hey! Kat don't you know how to fucking knock!?" He shouts at me angirly I cover my eyes turning around quickly as he gets dressed " what do you want Kat it's late you have school tomorrow " he says sighing heavily " Noah you are not my father...." he sighs heavily " No shit!" " Noah I'm serious you don't decide who the hell I date!" He taps my shoulder as I turn seeing him in a muscle shirt and checkered pj pants . " Kat , this about what I said to Zach and Blake about not dating you isn't it?" He asks me worriedly I nod at him " yes, I overheard it, Blake filled in the rest. " I explain to Noah he sighs heavily as he begins to cry sitting on his bed I walk over hugging him crying " I miss him too Noah, it will be okay...." I pulled away from him immediately realizing he looked at me shyly blushing " ugh.. Kat you need to stay away from me. " he says pushing me out of his room closing the door. I bang on his door angirly Blake and Zach hear me walking over " Kat everything okay?" Zach asks me as Noah opens his door a crack " what!?" He growls at me " I'll stay away from you, but you never mentioned anything about Zach or Blake " I say getting up on my tiptoes kissing Blake first then pulling Zach close Noah shouts at me " Don't you dare he says grabbing my arm tightly " go to your room now! Your brother wouldn't want you acting like a slut! Now go to bed !" Zach sighs heavily glaring at him " Noah! That's enough now you've crossed the line " Zach says furiously Noah looks down letting me go as I pull away Zach catches me " come on Kat I'll walk you to your room Blake can handle Noah. " he says looking fustrated. He walks me back as I fall to my bed crying " oh God,  Zach I'm sorry I'm so embarrassed your brother is right I was acting like a slut." He shakes his head at me " Nah, but what were you thinking?" He asks curiously I tiredly look at him sighing " Not sure , was supposed to be my sweet sixteen and Jesse was going to teach me how to drive he was going to give me his car for my birthday he told me about it last week. He had a girlfriend but she wasn't very nice to him ." Zach raises his eyebrow at me confused " how so?" " brother came home with a busted up arm and lip last month and he told me some guy you guys knew as Axel stole his girlfriend he caught them cheating and axel's family has money so Christy ran right too him. But to get to my point Christy would tell my brother he'd be a loser for the rest of his life....he was an orphan, that he'd never amount to anything or be good father. He got her pregnant once without telling my brother she aborted the baby Jesse was upset. " " my god! Kat we had no idea I'm so sorry, yeah we know of Christy she dated Noah once too. But never said things like that never took her as a gold digger hmm....guess you never know maybe that's why your brother and Noah faught that one day he was here before leaving for college. " he explains looking at me I sigh heavily laying in my bed he places his hand on my leg gently " get some rest " he says I start to fall asleep as I ask him " can you stay please....I don't want to be alone tonight " he sighs heavily " I will sleep on the sofa " when I awoke the next morning to the sound of my alarm my head was pounding and I had realized my brother dying wasn't a dream. I was living at the beach house, Zach was sleeping on the sofa in my master room all I could think was " what happened last night?" I got dressed and came out the bathroom then nudged Zach awake he stretched yawning I opened my door as we both saw Blake standing there " what the fuck were you doing in her room Zach?" He said in a jealous tone I placed my hand on Blake's chest feeling his rock hard abs " Blake calm down, okay he slept on my sofa that's all....I was scared too be alone we were talking about Jesse and Christy and I was falling asleep I asked him to stay . But please don't be upset you're the first Carter boy I kissed. " I smile at him blushing clearing the tension Blake sighs heavily looking at me smiling as he wraps his arm around me " let's go Kat I'm going to give you the school tour today. " he says Noah is waiting in the car he looks in rear view mirror " Blake hands off our guest rule unless Kat says otherwise no kissing, no PDA got it." He says the boys nod at him in agreement. We arrive at the high school my new school for the next threes of my life as I get out the car some girl runs up hugging and kissing on Blake Zach sighs heavily glaring at him " come on Kat I'll show you to your classes." I nod at him looking back at Blake how could he do that too me ? I mean not like we're dating but he should have told me about his girlfriend. I thought too myself as Zach walked me down the hallway " so your locker is here and we'll you got lucky two classes with Blake one rest with moi" he smiles at me leading the way . My first class was English, there sitting in the corner was Blake the girl he was with stood up smirking at me chewing her gum like a cow chews grass. She had on a cheer outfit with long blonde ponytail " you must be Kat, Blake and his brothers mentioned you were coming. Look if you know what's good for you you'll stay away from Blake " she says shoving gently " I'm sorry who the hell are you? And maybe you should tell that too Blake here who kissed me first!" Blake turns red looking at the cheerleader as she goes too hit me Blake takes the slap instead of me " Amber knock it off you know that you and I broke it off months ago but you still insist on stalking me. You cheated on me remember!?" Blake says looking at her she gets angry " I'm telling my father about this!" She says stomping out the room upset I raise my eyebrow at him annoyed everyone now staring at us I drag him out the class as the bell rings. " Blake why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend!?" I say too him angirly he sighs heavily looking at me " woah amber is not my girlfriend, she is my ex girlfriend. I caught her cheating on me with Bradyn he's the quarterback here at our school. He was also my best friend. Her father is the chief of police so becareful around her she's been stalking me since she found out I went away the summer we broke up and returned with abs. " he says looking down at me smiling " ugh.....thanks for stepping in when amber was about to hit me . Does it hurt?" I ask him worriedly he shurgs at me sighing " not really I have two brothers I'm used to it" he smirks at me leaning against my locker " my brother said to ask first it's only polite,  may I kiss you?" He asks me curiously I smile at him pulling him closer nodding at him " you may most definitely " he gives me a another passionate kiss .
As Zach clears his throat " Hope I'm not intrupting, Kat the principle and police chief want too see you down in the office but don't worry I already called Noah he's on his way. Someone video streamed the entire argument of you and amber, she's claiming you hit her she's standing in the office with a bruised up lip. " he says leading the way I sigh heavily entering as I lower my head seeing Noah standing there " with all do respect Ray we all know how amber gets when she doesn't get her way " Noah says to chief angirly the glares at him " why that's absurd my amber would never hurt a fly. You boys barely know that Slut" the principle stands up glaring at him " Ray that's inappropriate and I can have your badge for that!" He shouts angirly Noah looks over at him smirking " it's okay principle Williams I've got it handled Ray, if you ever speak about Dokata like that again it won't be your badge you have too worry about. Understand me? My brothers and I know her better then you think we do...." he nods at me to go outside and wait as he speaks with them Blake and Zach look at me concerned Zach hands me his hoodie " here take it , it's getting cooler out there. " he says smiling at me " thanks Zach " I say to him sighing Blake nudges me playfully as the three of us lean against the car " so what did they say?" He asks curiously I look down " the chief called me a slut...I'm assuming he thinks I'm dating multiple Carter boys thanks too Amber." I sigh begging to cry softly the boys hug me " Don't listen too anything amber or her dad says, you're not a slut Kat. We've known you our entire life and we know it's not who you are . You see the goodness in people when no one else can. " Blake says sighing as Noah approaches angirly he sighs looking at me " your brother would be proud of you Kat, your suspended for a week until I sort things out with the chief he begged principle Williams. " " so let me get this straight I get bullied by that bitch! And Blake gets hit by her I'm suspended!?" Noah looks at me confused " wait she hit Blake?" Blake nods at him " only because amber was going to hit take a swing at Kat I stepped infront of her to stop the blow from hitting Kat she's our guest remember. " Noah nods at him heading back inside dragging Blake along with him. Zach sits on top the hood the car his shaggy black hair blowing in the wind " what do you see in Blake anyway he's arrogant " I turn looking at him smirking " Zach....are you jealous?" I ask him confused he scoffs " He'll No!" He says turning a shade of red " Zach come on , seriously how long have you liked me ?" I ask him curiously he sighs sitting up " since your brother introduced us when you were twelve okay. " I smile at him climbing onto the car next to him " I think your pretty hot too." He looks at me confused " wait , I thought you liked my brother? " I raise my eyebrow slightly looking at him " just because I kiss someone doesn't mean I want to date them , your brother is nice but ....I've always...." he smiles at me " what?" He asks curiously " I've always been drawn too your eyes....silly huh " he shakes his head " not really no, I used to wear glasses so you could barely see my eyes. But guess hard not to notice one green and one blue eye huh?" He laughs. I lean my head against his " Zach....I'm not the type to cheat on anyone. " he sighs looking at me " Kat maybe you should talk with Blake first before giving me permission because if I kiss you I won't be able to stop. " he says looking at me blushing brightly I blush at him smiling. " As Noah and Blake come back outside Blake pushes Zach off the car out of nowhere I start shouting at them Noah rips them apart " hey enough you two! We will talk about this at home get in!" He demands we arrive home Noah parks the car " Kat I'm making this very clear....don't play with my brothers feelings if you like one them fine . But if you hurt them both you're out the house got it!" " don't worry won't happen again Noah because from now on I'll stay away from them" I get out the car slamming the door shut ( Blake pov) " Danm it Noah! Now she won't even talk too us!" " look I'm sorry okay, but you can't be physically fighting over a girl you both like . You're brothers and one day you'll need eachother, don't worry about Kat she will come around but whoever she chooses please be happy for the other okay." He explains I look at Zach " I'm sorry Zach " " yeah me too, we weren't kissing or anything just so you know. We were talking about you. She didn't want to kiss me because she says she's not the type to cheat I asked for her permission to kiss her she declined. So I think she really likes you bro I'm happy for you " Zach says I get out the car head upstairs knock on her door " come in" Kat says I sigh entering as I sit on her bed she sighs " look lied about amber and then you got pissed off when you saw me with Zach. You and I aren't dating, we had two extremely passionate kisses that's it! What do you want from me?" I ask him confused he pulls me close looking at me " I want you Kat, I know your going threw alot right now.....but I can't not want to be around you that's like not having air too breath. Plus think of how jealous my brother and amber will be if your dating me a basketball champ." She raises her eyebrow at me " that's what I am too you Blake? A trophy ? Someone to make your brothers jealous and flaunt infront of your friends to up your status. Get out!" She shouts at me angirly shoving me out the door Zach sighs " that went well " he says I look at him angirly " shut the fuck up! Like you or Noah can do better!" I yell angirly Noah hears me running upstairs except he's not alone mom is with him " what's going boys ?" She asks concerned " Dokata kicked him out of her room for some reason he's pissed now" Zach explains to them " oh let me go talk to her I'd like too meet her anyway " our mom says ( Libby pov ) I knock walking in " hello there Dokata I'm Libby , the boys mom. What's wrong sweetheart?" I ask her worriedly she looks at me sadly leaning on me " To be honest,  I kissed Blake.....I think I may like him but he got thrown out because amber bullied me at school today I'm suspended for it. Blake took a punch for because she was going to hit me . Then the chief called me a slut Noah delt with that , but I'm very confused because I was talking with Zach today he confessed too liking since he met me. My confusion is does that mean Noah likes me that way too?" I sigh looking at her " oh you poor dear, let me tell you something about my sons. First off, Blake is a loyal loving young man cares about every one else thinks not about himself. Sometimes he doesn't think before he talks , when he likes someone he gets very nervous and either says the wrong thing or nothing at all. He can be shy at times but he is very mature for his age and not just his mom talking I've raised all my sons to treat girls properly. As for Zach he is shy at first , but once he gets too trust you he opens right up. Zach very old fashioned into leather jackets and hangout at the dinner. Noah is tough on the outside but gentle on the inside. He wouldn't hurt anyone. He's a romantic he loves Italy and Rome. There now you know all about my sons good luck. Nice meeting you, I'm really sorry about your brother sweetheart. He was a good man. " she nods at me as I leave she stops me " Libby can you please send Blake in I want to apologize to him " I nod at her smiling Blake looks at me confused " she asking for you " I say too him ( Kat pov) Blake cautiously opens my door peeking in I look at him sighing heavily feeling badly for pushing him away when he was trying too be nice to me. " Blake I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier, you were only being nice and trying too tell me how you feel about me I'm sorry. I'm not used to guys paying attention to me" he pulls me close hugging me tightly " Kat, you are going threw something that none of us can even imagine right now....don't appoligize for grieving over your brother I'm always going to be here for you no matter what " I tug his arm sitting on the bed I accidentally fall ontop of him I lean in kissing him softly. Blake returns the kiss as my hand makes its way up his feeling his abs. He pauses looking at me sitting up half way.  " Kat, I really like you....but I don't want to rush into anything I'd like to start dating you if that's Kool?" He asks me blushing brightly I smile at him blushing " really Blake,  you're asking me to be your girlfriend?" I said curiously he nods at me smiling kissing my forehead softly " ofcourse I am " " why don't you tell her the truth?!" Zach says angirly looking at us glaring at Blake . I turn looking at Zach " what truth?" I ask confused Blake shakes his head at me " its nothing " Zach yells for Noah as he comes from his room " what's going on " stop yelling mom is asleep and Blake why are you still in Kat 's room?!" He exclaims annoyed Blake stands up about too leave I look at Noah " wait! Zach said he wants Blake too tell me the truth " Noah raises his eyebrow at Blake curiously " what truth Blake?" He glares at him Blake won't budge Zach speaks up " he made a bet with his friends at school and with amber that's why Kat got in trouble I over herd him on the phone a bet too see which one of us could get Kat into bed. " Noah grabs him angirly " you are disgusting! Mom!" Blake struggles with his brother Aaron Libby yawns hearing them coming upstairs. " goodness what's all the shouting about?" She asks Noah " Blake made a bet that'd he'd be the one out the three of sleeping with Kat first. " " Blake is this true?" He looks down sadly " yeah I'm sorry I made the bet before she got here, but then I backed out because I started to like her honestly. Amber was jealous....because I wasn't falling with the plan. Kat I'm sorry. " I glare at him angirly " you don't get too call me that! Infact , I don't want to see you just stay away from me please. " Libby walks him too his room and Zach sits on my bed as I cry " please go away Zach. " I say sadly he sighs heavily " Dokata, I'm sorry I didn't want you getting hurt because your my best friend and I know bad timing but I do care. " I lean against him crying he sighs looking at me " Kat please don't don't cry I hate seeing you like this it breaks my heart. " I was so tired I remember falling asleep and hearing the sound of glass breaking I screamed loudly as Amber and some tall guy in a jacket cornered me. " grab her Bradyn!" I knew I remembered the name Blake told it before this was his so called team mate that amber cheated on him with. Bradyn grabbed me held me down on the bed as amber yelled " Do you it you idiot!" Just then all three Carter boys busted in my door. Blake immediately grabbed hold of Bradyn punching him until he hit the ground. Amber looked terrified. Zach scooped me up as I cried in pain " Noah, Blake Kat is hurt she needs a hospital!" Noah and Blake nod at him as an ambulance shows up along with the police. ( Noah pov) look Ray your daughter and Brayden are going away for a long time Blake knew she'd tried something on Dokata so we planted a camera in her room waited. I handed over to the nice dective here he's viewed it and and not only are they being charged with breaking and entering but attempting rape , assault on a minor the list goes on. " the chief leaves angirly as we head to the hospital. " Blake how did you know?" I ask him curiously he shrugs at me " Amber is just that type but I had no Idea she'd take it this far....poor Kat she's never going to talk to me again. " he says feeling guilty Zach sighs heavily " she was pretty injured, hope the baby's okay" he says looking at us " baby?!" I ask him he raises his eyebrow at us " uh you don't know....yeah when I picked her up she started bleeding down there in class they taught us it's usually a miscarriage. " Blake raises his eyebrow at him " but none of us has slept with who then?" We arrive at the hospital the doctor runs to me Ah! Mr. Carter the guardian of miss Collins? " I nod at him " is she alright?" I ask worriedly " She's got some bruises around her neck from where she was being held down....and I'm sorry but she lost the baby." Zach looks at me sighing " see I told you " he says Blake looks at me " you go first Noah then Zach then me " I nod at him walking into her room she sits up slowly crying looking at me " Are you going to give me shit now for lying about being pregnant? Because I'm not in the mood Noah " she says angirly wipping her tears away I shake my head at her sitting down " No, Kat I'm not....I just want to know who's it was?" She sighs crying " A boy at my old school he was cool like you older then my brothers friends. Jesse brought me too one the football parties and I met him there, he said he loved me so stupid me I believed him ended up pregnant he found out ditched me . Then my brother died I moved here I told no one because I was going to eventually tell you when I was ready. " I hug her tightly " God Kat I'm so sorry you felt like you couldn't tell us anything , that's my fault for being an asshole I'm sorry okay. " she nods at me sighing heavily " Noah I'm just confused, that's all ...." I raise my eyebrow at her confused " about what Kat?" Well....I'm confused because because both your brothers flirt constantly with me but you avoid me" she looks at me sighing heavily "can you please send your brothers at the same time I need to talk to them Blake asked me too be his girlfriend right before I found out about the bet. " wow I'm happy to hear you guys are working things out, I'll send them in Dokata by the way . You're like a little sister too me so if my brothers hurt you ill kill them " I smile walking out of room ( Kat pov) now all I had to do was tell the one brother's who I had feelings for.

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