chapter : 6 The school dance

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( kats pov) After I broke it off with Zach things got worse , much worse. He started staying out all night and having sex with random girls from our school sometimes they weren't even from our school. I knew he was doing it too piss me off and hurt me well it was working. By the end the month the stupid school dance had arrived and Blake begged me too go, so I agreed in hopes that this one night would be fun. But I had a plan you see....yes I rejected Zach as my mate but that didn't mean I still didn't love him. I wanted him back , so did my inner wolf but why you ask? Well maybe part of me woundered if he'd actually go threw with that silly bet. So I set up a trap for him , my plan was to spend my night attracking him to me by wearing the most seductive dress I owned and by getting him to follow me to the drink table. While Blake chats with friends. As I headed to the drink table I smirked at Zach he got up off the bench and left his friends behind as he approached me " hey, how are you?" He asked me politely I smile at him blushing looking at him feeling heartbroken as I begin to cry he looks at me concerned " what's wrong?" He asks worriedly " Danm it Zach, I'm sorry for what I said too you that night .  The truth is zach yeah I pissed you off and hurt your feelings by rejecting you but you betrayed me and had nerve to call me bitch" he hugs me gently " Dokata.....I should have never have said those things to you I missed you too. I love you , you know I'd never actually do that stupid bet " I sigh heavily " doesn't matter now ....we can't fix the rejection. We can't undo it. " he sighs heavily " No but you can make a choice, me or Blake....."  I shake my head at him as my stomach starts too turn as Noah approaches us I begin too breath really heavily as Zach shouts for Blake " Blake something is wrong Noah never comes here in the middle of the day " he says to Blake. I stand close to both Blake and Zach pulling them closer " it's about the one the babies ....I feel it somehow " I begin to cry softly they both comfort me as Noah stops silently infront of us Zach looks at Noah  worriedly " Noah the triplets are they alright?!" Noah looks down beginning to cry " No....we took them for a walk like we always do. " Blake gets angry pinning him against the locker " what happened Noah just fucking tell us!" He growls angrily Noah cries looking at me " It was a fucking accident okay we were at the park had the boys in the swings ezra chain on the  swing broke he fell out and we tried everything.....he's gone " I dropped to the floor screaming as the entire school herd my cries Zach grabbed Noah crying " No you're fucking lying!" He says Blake falls to the floor next to me curled up into a ball crying I kneel infront of him " Blake it's me Kat...." I can see his inner wolf come out as he throws me into the lockers accidentally out of anger Zach rushes over to help me up " Dokata are you hurt?" I sigh touching the blood on my forehead " I'll be fine where's Blake going?" I ask Zach worriedly Noah sighs " too the park where ezra died let him blow off steam I'll take you guys to see ezra and meet up with Jesse he is looking after Aaron and Adrian. We are really sorry for your loss " Noah says looking down we follow him as amber stops us in the hallway Zach gets defensive " not now amber!" He growls angrily she looks down sadly " Dokata I just want too say I'm sorry about your son, no one should ever have to bury their child. Seems we have something in common " I look down at her " I'm sorry for your loss amber.....if you'll excuse me I need to go make arrangements as luna to bury my son. " she nods as the rest the school begins to howl behind us as we leave heading to meet my brother. Now not only was I planning for a school dance but I was going to have say goodbye to our son too.

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