chapter 3 : confessions

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( Zach pov ) I was the youngest out my brothers and always living in Blake's shadow, did I like Dokata hell yes! But I knew Blake really liked her too. Everyone fell for his charm even if he pulled stupid asshole shit like that bet he made. As he and I walked into Dokata 's hospital room I instantly got really nervous. We both sat down in opposite corners of the room looking at her " Noah said you wanted too talk to us" Blake says too her nervously. She nods at us sighing heavily " yes I do, I am sorry I....ha..." Blake Intrupted her shouting angirly " You have a boyfriend! You lied too us!" He shouts at her she raises her eyebrow angirly at him " No! That's not it , I was pregnant yes but one of Jesse's friends back home right before I moved here said he loved me and I believed him, I didn't tell Noah the whole story....but I'm telling you both Jesse's friend put something in my drink as bet to see who could fuck me first ! When he found out about the baby he ran. That's why I got so upset about the bet I'm sorry. But you don't have too worry about the baby now it's gone....thanks to amber and Brayden " I get up sitting next too her as she starts to cry as I look at Blake he looks away holding back tears. " Kat I'm sorry that happened to you, and Blake is really sorry about the bet look we promise we wouldn't do anything to purposely hurt you. We're sorry about the baby , we understand why you thought you couldn't tell us. But now you know you can tell us anything okay" I say to her smiling at her. Blake sits on the other side of her on the bed " yeah I'm sorry I was an asshole I treated you unfair, and shouldn't have jumped too conclusions about you having a boyfriend. But when I herd about the baby I just got really scared and I don't know too express my feelings. " Blake never told anyone but he was born with autism though you could barely tell when things didn't go his way he'd shut down. Blake was brilliant, he was looking at colleges to be a doctor. ( kats pov ) Blake dropped to the floor crying I didn't understand what was going on Zach got up and sat next to him " hey its okay Blake, listen too me you didn't do anything wrong. Dokata needs to get to know you okay ....she likes you I promise you Blake it won't be like amber I swear no more being hurt." I raise my eyes in confusion as I kneel on the floor infront of him " Blake, you can talk too me" I say to him holding his hand gently. He sighs heavily looking at me " I...I have autism. " I smile at him " is that all ? Blake I won't like you any less because of that . Blake you are my best friend why haven't you or your brothers ever told me this before? I have known you since I was twelve " Zach sighs looking at me " Blake doesn't like talking about it. " he explains I nod at him looking at Blake I asked Zach to leave to the room. He got up nodding at me leaving quietly I sat there with Blake " Blake, it must've taken alot of courage for you to ask me too be your girlfriend if your just sharing this with me now. " he smirks at me nodding at me " actually....I have liked you for along time but .....didn't know how too tell you because I was afraid you would reject me. " he explains I gently place my hand on his face " Blake, I  want too be your girlfriend but promise me no more secrets okay." He leans his forehead against mine crying " Kat....I....I think I love you. " he says sighing I lean in kissing him softly " I love you too Blake Carter." He smiles at me standing up helping me up " I really am sorry about the baby....Kat " he says hugging me " I nod at him sighing " it's okay, one day I'll be a mom I'm too young." Noah knocks on the door " sorry to intrupt but Dokata is allowed to come home ....we can let her change and meet her outside " Noah says smiling at us Blake kisses my forehead softly " I'll be outside " he says looking happier then ever I get changed and head out my room looking around for the boys. Sighing when I Amber and Brayden Zach redirects me into a janitors closet too avoid them he's much taller then Blake towering over me . He whispers " I think they're gone" he says looking into my eyes I look up at him into his beautiful eyes he grabs me about too kiss me I shove him away " I'm sorry Zach I'm with Blake " I say too him sighing he sighs looking at me " No I'm sorry Kat. " I couldn't believe what had just happened the drive home was quiet I went straight to bed. The next morning Blake brought me breakfast " thanks " I said kissing him softly he smiled at me. " you get some rest I'll be back too check on you after school. " he says lovingly. ( Zach pov) I grab my book bag and shout at Blake as Noah starts the car. I hand Blake an apple " here! For the road oh and by the way Noah and mom say not too mention to Kat about us being werewolves. We don't want to spook her plus she has no idea her family was part of a wolf pack either so Noah says too let him handle it " Blake nods at me smiling brightly " sure no problem " he says looking at me Noah honks the horn as we turn seeing Kat dressed ready to go with us " babe what are you doing out of bed you're supposed to be resting " Blake says to her concerned Noah walks inside the house sighing " Dokata, didn't know you were coming...everyone ready?" He asks us curiously Kat smiles nodding at him " ready!" She heads to the car and gets in sitting in the back seat next too Blake I take shotgun . We arrive at school but it seems different we thank Noah for the ride as he drives away Blake takes hold of kat's hand tightly and we walk inside the school. As the other students look at us as we go past Kat raises her eyebrow at us " ummm...guys is this place really so small of a town that they already are gossiping about my miscarriage?" She asks her eyes filling with tears Blake holds her tight as whispers fill the air. I sigh heavily grabbing everyone's attention " Good morning everyone! I can see you're already busy texting and spreading rumors about Dokata and my family. You should try sticking your noses in a book where they belong!" I shout at them annoyed Kat looks at me smiling " Thank you Zach,  that was kind of you...." " well they were being rude and I hate when people stare." I say too her slamming my locker as bell goes. Blake tries to show her some public affection as I walk away but I hear her say too him " Blake I'll catch up with you later okay " she chases after me walking next too me " Zach...what's wrong?" She asks I wait for the crowd to leave my inner wolf getting her scent . I pull her into an empty classroom pinning her against the wall " Kat I can't control myself around you anymore. I want you bad" I say to her boldly kissing her neck making her moan softly. She kisses me deeply wrapping her legs around me tightly as I thrust deeply into her . Her hands gripping my hair as we moan I hold her close as my body trembles as we both cum. I gently pull out of her and clean up , she blushes brightly looking at me " we have to tell Blake " I sigh heavily looking at her kissing her deeply " let me do it , it's me he'll hit not you..." she sighs heavily looking at me " can't I just have you both ? There's no rules in wolf packs stating you can only have one mate right?" I raise my eyebrow at her confused " wait a know your a wolf?" She nods at me " Duh! Jesse told me all about it , apparently I'm some heiress of my family pack. The solar eclipse pack. "   I didn't think of that before, and Blake and I had have previous girls come by the house before but none were like Kat. I sighed heavily looking at her " we can talk too my family tonight at dinner " I say too her she opens the door and leaves ( kats pov) Fuck! What the hell did I just do ? I bump into Amber she glares at me " look you little bitch , I don't know who you think you are getting pregnant by my mate but I'm glad I killed your bastard child. " she raising her eyebrow at me angirly my eyes glow red as I get undoubtedly furious with her. " Alright Amber , I've had enough of you ! I'm not sure what the fuck your problem is or why you're always after me but frankly I don't care. Amber , you've crossed too many lines with me I tried to be nice and civil but you are the most arrogant....annoying....selfish bitch I've ever met. I'm not letting you treat me my dead unborn baby or it's father that way. Do you hear me ! The boys hear us fighting Blake looks at me sadly " the baby was mine? How?" I sigh turning to him a couple of months ago Jesse came to see guys were at some beach were drunk I kept refusing until you kissed me we started making out in Noah's car. I'm sorry I lied to you about it, but you told me you didn't want it!" Jesse got in a fight with Noah about then he died I moved here. " Amber walks over slapping me " whore! " Blake steps in angirly with Zach behind him " Zach get her out of her now I'll deal with them!" Zach nods at him. I sigh heavily looking at him " Blake needs our help, I'm sorry I lied I was scared " I explain to Zach tears in my eyes, now standing by my locker we look up hearing Noah's voice. " Zach stay with Dokata I'll take care of these assholes. " he says angirly walking past us. The crowd separates letting him threw he places his hand on Blake's shoulder " Blake go look after your girlfriend " he says directly infront of amber Blake nods heading toward me. Noah begins to shift into his wolf form Blake sighs looking at me " that's not good....he's pissed now " Zach nods at Blake " we better get Kat out of here." He says in a worried tone. Blake nods in agreement shifting into his wolf form as I climb onto his back as he and Zach lead me too safety. I didn't want hurt Blake I was falling in love with him....but why were there so many rules to being in a pack? Why couldn't I have both him and Zach was that selfish of me to ask. We stopped in the forest built a fire to stay warm , the boys bathed in a nearby river. While I made us dinner, I had no idea what was coming next. As we sat there quietly by the fire I cleared my throat " okay can someone tell me why it's so danm quiet around here?" I ask them curiously Blake speaks up with a low growl glaring at Zach " perhaps it's because I can smell him all over you!" He says looking at me I sigh heavily looking at him lowering my head as tears begin to fall " Blake I'm sorry okay, for lying to about the baby and for...what happened with Zach. Jesse told me I needed to find my mate by my eighteenth birthday, but he never mentioned how many mates I'd have. " Blake raises his eyebrow at me confused " wait are you suggesting that both me and Zach be your mate ?" He asks curiously I sigh heavily " I'm not sure Blake truth is no offense to Zach, I think I'm falling in love with you. But I'm scared ....because I was rejected before. " I say too them Zach sighs heavily " I won't blame my brother if he wants to kick my ass for fucking you, I am the one who cornered you Kat I'm sorry. Your my brother 's girlfriend and it's not right. In our pack we respect boundaries and protect our siblings families with our lives. Blake looks at me confused " did you feel anything when you slept with Zach like anything drawing you too him?" I shake my head at him " No." He gets up angirly as he grabs me from my spot Zach glares at him " Let her go!" He demands glaring at Blake a branch snaps as Blake throws me too the ground seeing Noah appear " Amber was right you are a whore!" Noah glares at him angirly " Apologize Now!" Blake snaps back getting emotional " why should I she lied about the baby , maybe I could have helped her you know and then she goes fucks my brother! Zach gets everything he wants I had one thing he didn't it was you Dokata!" Noah sighs heavily looking at him " you still have her Blake." Noah says explains too him . Suddenly Noah and I turn hearing Jesse 's voice. I see Jesse standing there " you should watch your mouth around my little sister Blake. I don't take kindly too people accussing Dokata of something she's not. " I hug him tightly crying " Jesse! Is it really you? How Noah told me you killed yourself?" Jesse glares at him " Noah I entrusted you to look after her so our enemies won't hurt her! And all I've been hearing coming from you three is lies. Why?" My brother demands angirly Zach sighs looking at him " Jesse I care about her alot, I believe she cares for me too which is why we mated " Jesse looks at me confused " mated with Zach?" He asks me curiously I look at him blushing brightly " just sort of happened. I started dating Blake but Zach and grew closer . They're fighting over me now, but brother why can't I have two mates?" I ask him confused he sighs looking at me Noah sighs heavily " Because it's not how things work, didn't you fucking explain anything to her?" Noah asks sarcastically Jesse glares at him " Yes I did, but your job isn't how too tell to raise my sister your fucking job as my Beta is too watch over her like my family asked. Mating means nothing without a connection......" Blake speaks up " she and I mated the last time you were here talking with Noah that was before she knew she was a wolf. I apparently got her pregnant that night....she had a miscarriage just today. She said the baby was an accident that someone raped her. She was scared too tell us the truth. " Blake explains Jesse looks at him angirly " how did the baby die?" He asks curiously Noah sighs looking heart broken " Amber Knox and Brayden cook . They attacked her amber is jealous of Dokata because she dated Blake for two months he broke it off with her he caught her cheating with Brayden, they're  human but amber is cruel her father a warlock " he explains " A warlock killed my unborn niece or nephew huh?....looks like I'm paying some people a visit Noah come with me your brothers can look after Dokata " Blake looks at Jesse confused " where are you going?" " To remind amber it's not nice too kill babies especially werewolf babies. " Jesse lets me go handing back too Blake he turns looking at us " I expect to hear that you two have created another pup by the time I get back " he says I blush looking at Blake embarrassed. As I head inside the cabin , Blake and Zach both follow me inside. " Kat you don't have too do anything you don't want to, but while we're telling the truth.....our family is part of your pack. As you herd Noah is the Beta, which makes Jesse our alpha. Your the Luna of our pack which is why your brother had us protect you. There are people after your brother and he owes them money lots of it. Not even wolf powers can stop that. He needed to keep you safe so he faked his death and sent you too us. Your brother knew you were too be mated to one of us, but he wasn't sure which one. " Blake explains I sigh looking at him " Blake....Zach....I maybe the Luna of the pack but I don't need to do everything my brother says. There are no rules stating I only can have one mate! " " Kat what are you trying too tell us?" Zach asks confused " I'm saying I'm in love with both of you!" I say too them Blake and Zach sigh heavily looking at me then eachother. I sit on the bed backing up removing my tank top as they watch me Zach crawls over too me smirking " my turn " he says as he removes his shirt kissing me softly , Blake suprises me by pulling my panties off and begging to suck and lick lick my clit. I moan loudly as they continue pleasing me Blake looks at me concerned holding a condom I take it out of his hand tossing it to the floor as both of them take turns fucking me hard and deep. I moan their names as they mark me, my brother and Noah show up opening the door as Blake and Noah stumble out the bed embarrassed. Meanwhile I cover myself and glare at them both " well you did tell you wanted her to have sex with Blake by the time we got back " Noah laughs Jesse sighs " you mated both of them! You deliberately disobeyed me Dokata! And you've been marked. " he says looking at me sighing fustratedly once a a wolf has been marked there's no undoing it. Even if they run away they are still bonded for life. I look at Blake and Zach " I love them brother, they are my mates. I will be their Luna and our families will have a new generation. " my brother sighs heavily " Fine, but you're not getting married or whatever until you're eighteen got it!" He says angirly I nod at him. Noah and Jesse leave . Blake and Zach sigh looking at me " we pissed him off " Blake says " don't worry about him, I'll deal with Jesse " I say too them smiling as I pat the bed. Starting too fall asleep they crawl in next too me as we all drift to sleep, wonder what amber would think of me now mated too both Carter boys .

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