Caffeine (2012 Donnie x GN! Reader)

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You knew caffeine didn't agree with you.

For whatever reason, anytime you drank anything with more than 75 milligrams of caffeine in it, your body went into overdrive mode. You'd start shaking, your heart rate would shoot up, and you'd feel like your lungs were about to explode.

Lately it had been better, though. You could drink things with higher caffeine content and you'd be fine. You thought you had gotten over that hurdle in your life.

Apparently not.

On this particular day, you were wishing the sun would go down quicker so you could go to bed. Nothing was going right for you today, and you were exhausted. You hoped visiting your boys would help.

You climbed down into the sewers and started following the path you had taken many times before, letting your mind drift as you walked. Maybe Donnie would let you help him with his inventions again. You loved that he trusted you enough with his tools to let you assist him.

Minutes later, you had arrived at the entrance to the lair. You took a deep breath before entering, bracing yourself for the tackle you were sure you were about to get from Mikey.

As suspected, Mikey flew into your arms, nearly making you fall, and you hugged him back, glancing over his shoulder to see Raph smirking at the two of you.

"Hey Raph." You grimaced internally at how tired your voice sounded. He seemed to notice, and his smirk lessened ever so slightly.

"Hey Y/N. What's up?"

"Nothing much." You separated from Mikey and stepped further into the lair. "Is Don in his lab again?"

Raph chuckled softly. "Yeah, working on some new thing he thought up."

You thanked him and made your way to the lab, waving at Leo as you passed him on the couch. You saw him frown, presumably at the bags under your eyes, and you looked away.

You entered the lab to see your boyfriend hunched over his table in his spinning chair, tinkering with something. You tapped on the wall to get his attention, something the two of you came up with after you had scared him one too many times.

He turned your way and smiled when he saw you, flipping his goggles up and setting the object in his hands on the table.

"Hi, Y/N!" You smiled at how excited he sounded and moved to sit near him.

You sank into your chair with a sigh and leaned back, resting your head on the back of the chair.

Donnie glanced at you and narrowed his eyes slightly. "Are you okay, Y/N?"

You faced him, putting on a smile. "Yep, just fine." Your eyes were drawn to the object in his hands. "What're you making now?"

"Oh!" His eyes lit up. "It's a thermodynamic stabilizer to keep a temperature equilibrium in Metalhead's reactor core."

He beamed, clearly proud of himself, but you just stared blankly.

"English please, Dee." You blinked, and he huffed lightheartedly.

"It's a machine to help keep Metalhead's core the right temperature."

"Oh, cool!" You rolled your chair next to his. "Can I help?"

"You sure? You look tired."

"Nah, I'm fine." You took the device from his hand and inspected it, mostly to keep him from seeing the bags under your eyes.

"...alright, I guess you can help." He pulled a second pair of goggles out from his desk drawer and handed them to you, along with a small welding gun. "Just join these two bits together, and I'll work on the top piece."

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