Stubborn (2012 Raph x GN! Reader)

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Stepping into the lair, you were greeted by Mikey throwing his arms around you. You stumbled a bit and chuckled, hugging him back.

"Hey, Mike. Good to see you. Where's Raph?"

He looked up from where his face was smushed into your collarbone. "In the lab with Dee."

You smiled in thanks, rubbing his head affectionately before making your way to the lab.

Opening the door, you see Donnie slumped over his desk working on something, and Raph leaning against the table talking to him.

You strode up to the table, examining what was going on. "Hey guys. What's up?"

Donnie looked up at you, smiling. "Hey, Y/N! Look at this!"

He pulled a small box across the table to you. You lifted the lid in curiosity, and when you saw what was inside, your eyes lit up.

"You finished the retromutagen!"

"Yeah! I finally figured out what was going wrong with the other batches. There's enough in there to cure at least ten people, maybe more."

You handed the box back and hugged Donnie fiercely, smiling wide. "That's awesome, Dee! I'm so proud of you!"

You pulled away, and he beamed at you.

You smiled back for a moment before you heard a shuffling sound. You turned to see Raph making his way to the door, a scowl on his face.

"Hey, Raph. Where are you going?" Your brow furrows in confusion.

"To the dojo. I'll be back later." He answered, not turning around. He opened the door and left, slamming it behind him.

"What was that about?" You looked back to Donnie, who shrugged, evidently as stumped as you were as to the sudden mood change from Raph.

"I'll go see what's up." You go to leave, but turn back at the last minute.

"Seriously though, Donnie. I'm proud of you." You smile again.

"Thanks, Y/N." He grins before swiveling his chair back to his desk.

You leave the lab and begin making your way to the dojo, wondering what had your boyfriend in such a tizzy. Nothing of note had happened patrol-wise, in fact, the city was rather calm as of late, so that wasn't the reason he was so annoyed.

Actually, his mood had changed when you walked in.

You frowned, intent on finding out what had him so stirred up.

"Raph?" You call out, entering the dojo. You glance around before you see him by the punching bag he always used. He wasn't using it now though, just sort of...standing there.

"Hey, what's up, baby? You seemed off just now." You step closer, and see that his hands are clenched tightly.

"Nothing, Y/N. I'm fine." He turns away, facing the wall. His voice sounds strained, like he's hiding something.

"Clearly not, Raph. You seem annoyed. Did I do something wrong?"

You usually didn't ask that question, as it always made you think you were being too needy or desperate, but it was needed in this situation.

He turned slowly back to you. "No,
Y/N, you didn't do anything. I just need a minute."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what happened. You seemed fine with Donnie until I walked in, and then you got really weird."

He took a deep breath. "Nothing happened, Y/N. Please just leave."

Now you were no stranger to these kinds of situations. Raph was a very stubborn person, and you were aware of it. You tried to be patient, but a lot of fights between the two of you started because he wouldn't admit what was wrong.

"Raph, please." You were starting to lose patience, and he could hear it in your voice. You were never a very patient person. "What happened? If you tell me, I'll leave. I'll leave you alone for however long you need me to, but you have to tell me what's wrong. If I didn't do anything, then what made you just up and leave like that?"

"Fine, you wanna know what's wrong, Y/N? You wanna know why I'm annoyed? Fine." He took a breath. "Because I'm jealous."

You blinked, startled. "Jealous? Of who? Donnie? Why on earth would you be jealous of Donnie?" You couldn't think of any reason why he would feel that way about his brother.

"Because the second you walked in the lab, you went straight to Donnie. You started acting all excited and complimenting him like no other. You didn't even look my way until I went to leave."

You were speechless, but he kept going.

"And it's not just Donnie, either. You always hang out with the others. You're either in the lab with Donnie, playing video games with Mikey, or sparring with Leo, you never seem to have time for me anymore."

His voice turned sad near the end and trailed off. Your heart broke as guilt flooded you.

"Raph, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize." You reached out to him, but he turned away from your hand, a frown on his face.

"It's...whatever. It's fine." He stepped closer to the punching bag. "Just go back to the lab."

You paused for a moment, a frown now on your face as you debated whether or not what you were about to do was a good idea.

You reached out and turned him around, pulling him into your arms.

He froze, tensing up as you wrapped your arms around him. He really wasn't the hugging type, especially when he was upset, but you were so warm, and calming, and....caring.

You felt the tears before you heard him. He sniffed as he wrapped his arms around you. You squeezed him tighter and he lowered his head into the crook of your neck, seeking comfort in your scent. You always smelled so nice.

After a bit, you pulled back, pressing a kiss to his temple before looking him in the eyes.

"Raph, I love you. So much, and I'm sorry I haven't been showing it. I promise you have no reason to be jealous, it's always been you and it will always be you. Don't ever forget that, okay?"

He sniffed again and nodded, the tears having stopped. "Okay."

"Okay." You smiled, and you got a small one in return. You pulled away fully, but grabbed his hand in yours.

"So, what do you want to do today?"


If you can't tell, I really love Raph. As always, thanks for reading, and request if you want.

See you when I see you 🐢

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