Cold-Blooded (2012 Leo x GN! Reader)

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You were the type of person to always have a hoodie, either on or near by you. You couldn't function when you were cold, couldn't think about anything else except that you were cold, so you always had one.

Apparently Leo was the same way.

Now, you knew the turtles were cold-blooded, you knew they didn't function well in the cold, but they still functioned well enough that you never questioned if the cold bothered them. Donnie always had a heater going in his lab, Mikey was constantly in front of the warm glow of the tv, and Raph...well, Raph was just hotheaded and violent enough that he stayed warm just from sparring or training constantly.

Leo, on the other hand...

Nothing ever seemed to work for him. Even his hoodies, the majority of which he stole from you, never seemed to do much to warm him, just succeeding in keeping it from getting worse.

He never told you this, thinking it would make him look weak to be so susceptible to the frigid temperatures of New York winters. And you never had reason to think otherwise, because all the other guys found ways to keep warm. Why wouldn't Leo be the same?

Which is why you were confused when you heard him say he was cold.

He had asked to see you that night, and seeing as school was out for Christmas break, you excitedly agreed. You packed a bag, threw on your favorite hoodie, and left, giddy to see your boys again. Especially Leo.

A blush came across your face when you thought of him, blocking out the cold breeze whispering across your skin. You liked him a lot, but hadn't ever gotten the nerve to ask him if he felt the same. What if he didn't like you back? What if he thought it was weird? What if he stopped wanting to see you? You couldn't bear the thought, so you didn't tell him. Maybe one day you would.

Sometime during this train of thought, you had made your way down the sewer tunnels and into the lair, looking eagerly around for Leo. Not seeing him in the living room, you frowned and stepped further into the room.

You were nearly knocked to the floor as a green and orange blur barreled into you. You grinned and hugged him back.

"Hey Mikey. What's up?" You hugged him back just as hard as he had hugged you.

"Nothing much. But Don found me a new video game in the dumpster by the game shop! You wanna play it with me? It's got superheroes." He sang, trying to lure me in. I was tempted, but I came here for a reason, and I would fulfill that reason first.

"Can't right now, dude, but I definitely will later." You smile at him promisingly and pull away from the hug. You glance around and, not seeing Leo anywhere, you ask Mikey.

"Hey Mike, where's Fearless?"

"Oh, he's in his room I think. He hasn't left there for hours. I think he's asleep." He shrugged, and went to play his new game. Your brow furrowed in confusion and you turned down the hallway to Leo's room.

You knocked gently and, not hearing an answer, opened the door slowly. "Leo? You in here?"

You heard a quiet groan from the bed in the corner, and stepped closer. "Hey, Lee. Mikey says you've been in here for awhile?"

He mumbles a quiet, "Mhmm."

"You okay?" You sit on the edge of his bed and search for his face in the dark of his room.

"Mhmm." He mumbled again, seemingly too tired to say real words.

You lay a hand on his shoulder in concern, but immediately draw it back to you with a gasp. "Leo, you're freezing!"

"Mmm." He rolls towards you and you finally see his face. He has bags under his eyes and his skin is pale, paler than normal. Your eyes were starting to adjust to the dark, and you could see he was shivering violently, like he was sick.

Or like he was cold.

You scoot closer to him and lay your hand back down, this time on his cheek, and he all but melts into it, nuzzling his face into your palm like a cat. You feel your face light up like a flame, but ignore it for the time being. Leo was more important.

"I didn't know you were this cold. I thought you guys knew how to deal with being cold-blooded." You lay your other hand on his collarbone, and he shivers at the sudden warmth there.

He finally gets the energy to talk a bit, and it's almost silent, you have to lean in to hear him.

"The others do. Nothing I've tried has worked yet." His voice is raspy from lack of use, and his shaking hands pull you closer to him ever so slightly.

"Well, something you did when you were younger must've worked, or you would have died." He winced at that, and you backtracked. "Sorry, that was really blunt."

He smiled at that. "No, it's okay. You're right, something worked." He took a breath. "Me and my brothers used to sleep in a pile in the winter and Splinter would cover us with a blanket. It wasn't much, but it got us through the colder weeks."

You hummed in response. Suddenly, you had an idea. It was probably the worst idea you could've come up with, but you didn't care. If it might help, you were going to try it.

"Wait here. I'll be right back." You took your hands from Leo, and he whined at the loss of contact and warmth, curling up further under his thin blanket.

You walked to Donnie's room and grabbed his weighted blanket. You knew he wouldn't mind, he had one in his lab. You toted it back into Leo's room, and closed the door, keeping the air from the rest of the spacious, freezing lair out.

You knew when you were cold, you liked to have your weighted blanket on, as it helped warm you up faster. You tapped Leo on the shoulder and sat him up gently. He started shaking more at the loss of his blanket, but you quickly took off your hoodie and slipped it over him, helping him to warm up with your body heat.

He smiled slightly and hunched his shoulders, trying to pull as much of himself into the hoodie as possible. You smiled affectionately at him and slipped under the covers with him, laying him down and covering you both with the weighted blanket.

He wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into your neck, nuzzling into your blush-warmed skin. You held him close and as he dozed off, you heard him mumble, "Thanks, Y/N. Love you."

Your face lit up like a stove burner left on too long and you glanced at him, surprised and not sure you heard him right.

"You love me?"

"Mhmm." He was back to just humming. He tangled your legs together and held you closer to his chest.

You smiled and leaned your head down, kissing his forehead gently.

"I love you too, Leo."

He smiled slightly in contentment and finally fell asleep, deep and even breaths falling from his lips. You snuggled him closer and closed your eyes, drifting off soon after.

The next morning Leo had no memory of anything that had happened the night before, he had been so cold and tired. But you remembered. And so did Donnie.

And he would deny any accusations of having taken pictures of the two of you for months after.


I don't think this was the prompt I had in my head when I wrote the title for this two days ago, but my neurodivergent brain forgot completely what I had wanted and gave me this instead. Hope you enjoyed, comment and request if you want, and I'll see you when I see you 🐢

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