Chapter 5 - New Overlord? ☾

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"... Northstar mentioned to me earlier this morning that a new demon is threatening our team." She concluded.

"You mean that strawberry looking guy, Alastor?" You tiled your head.

"Yes, now how exactly do you know him?" Averyl questioned, slightly twitching her black, white and purple tail.

"Oh, I met him when I was coming here, that's why I was late." Y/n carried on. "He got a bit mad at a comment that I made and tried to shoot a ..tentacle looking thing at me but I killed it easily. I dunno why he's such a big deal to you guys."

"Y/n. Not everyone is as powerful as you and has toxic ink that can kill demons in seconds." Drayce, a green and blue snake demon spoke up, looking slightly amused.

"Right. I almost forgot about that." Y/n placed her hand on her chin.


Tᗴᑎ YᗴᗩᖇS ᒪᗩTᗴᖇ

(YALL SORRY IM DOING SO MUCH TIMESKIPS I JUST WANT VOX TO BE IN HELL LOL- rn it's 1945-ish so I'm just gonna make Vox spawn in even though he is supposed to in 1950's but nobody cares)

Y/n hummed as she walked up to her assistant, Kayle.

"Right. So, when's that Overlord meeting? Carmilla told me it was today, right?" Y/n asked as she slightly fixed her short hair.

"Yes, Miss L/n." Kayle answered.

"Remember, you can just call me Y/n, no need to be so classy." She winked at Kayle before asking a different question. "There's a new Overlord, right? I heard something about his name starting with V?" As Y/n talked she slightly adjusted her (whatever she is wearing) and turned her head to her assistant. 

"I have no idea, Y/n. But I think so, I'll be waiting for you when you get back." She dipped her head as Y/n walked out the door. 

She walked, her (footwear) clicking as she walked. As demons scattered at her sight, she felt a presence beside her and turned her head to see a demon with a.. TV? As a head and a black classy suit. She was about to comment, Y/n didn't want another Alastor situation. Before she could speak he beat her to it.

"I'm Vox, the newest Overlord." He introduced himself with a dip of the small black hat on his head. 

"So you're the newest one, huh? You probably know my name, but it's Y/n L/n." She extended her hand out and shook it with him. Vox looked at some of the hidden demons, glancing with a confused expression. "Why are they all running away?" 

Y/n gave an amused snort. "You've never heard of the 'terrible ink demon' ?" She raised a brow. 

"Oh! Right." He chuckled awkwardly, feeling embarrassed.

"Oh, don't be embarrassed." She patted his back. "I have a feeling we will get on good." She smiled like 'the great Alastor' but as Vox looked back up at her she instantly went to a normal expression.

"Thanks. I feel it too." Vox smiled. 

"Right we're here. Come on." She walked into an elevator but Vox only walked up to it. "Ladies first~" he chuckled. Y/n sighed and walked inside, facepalming. After her, Vox walked in the elevator.

Just before it was about to close, another demon entered. Y/n was about to greet them before she realised it was Alastor himself. 

"I suppose you're here to meet Vox?" She looked Alastor up and down. God, won't he ever stop smiling? It's creepy as fuck. 

"Yes, actually. I need to introduce myself. I'm sure you already know, though!"

She noticed that the new Overlord saw her change in personality and was slightly confused. She turned to face him. 

"Oh, don't worry, we just have a bit of unfinished business between the two of us." Y/n assured him, glaring at Alastor for a mini-second. Vox slightly nodded and the elevator opened. Y/n quickly stepped out and looked to Vox. 

"Do you want to meet the others or stay with me?" She asked Vox.

He stayed silent for a second. "I think I'll go meet the others, if that's fine with you." He answered.

"Of course, you don't have to ask my permission to make friends." I waved him goodbye as he left.

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