April 20- A coffee date

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The morning air was crisp as I made my way to the quaint café where Thomas and I had agreed to meet. The anticipation of our coffee date filled me with a mixture of excitement and nerves, a fluttering sensation in my stomach that I couldn't quite shake.

As I stepped inside, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped me, and I scanned the room in search of Thomas. It didn't take long to spot him, sitting at a table near the window, a smile lighting up his face as he caught sight of me.

"Sarah," he said, rising from his seat to greet me.

"Thomas," I replied, returning his smile as we exchanged a warm embrace.

We settled into our seats, the conversation flowing effortlessly between us as we sipped our coffee and shared stories of our lives. There was a comfort in his presence, a sense of familiarity that made it easy to open up to him.

As the hours passed, I found myself lost in the moment, the world outside fading into the background as we laughed and talked. It was as if time stood still, and for those brief hours, all that mattered was the connection we shared.

Eventually, the afternoon sun began to fade, casting long shadows across the café. With a reluctant sigh, we realized it was time to part ways, but as we said our goodbyes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected bond that had formed between us.

As I walked home, the memories of our coffee date lingered in my mind, filling me with a warmth that stayed with me long after the day had ended. Little did I know, this simple afternoon spent in the company of a friend would be the beginning of something truly extraordinary.

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