April 3rd- From beginning to end.

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"I didn't know," I whisper to the empty room, my voice barely a breath against the silence. "I didn't know that the beginning of my story would also mark its end."

But then, like a thief in the night, illness crept into my life, stealing away my hopes and dreams one by one until all that remained was the harsh reality of my mortality.

"I didn't know," I repeat, the words heavy with regret. I didn't know that every laugh would be tinged with sorrow, every smile a mask to hide the pain that gnaws at my soul.

As I watch the rain fall outside the window, each drop a tiny echo of the tears I've shed, I can't help but wonder what lies ahead. Is there a light waiting for me at the end of this dark tunnel, or only more darkness?

But even as the shadows close in around me, I hold onto a glimmer of hope. For in every ending, there is also a beginning. And though my story may be reaching its final chapter, I take comfort in knowing that the echoes of my existence will live on long after I'm gone.

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