Escaping Wolfsbottom's Mansion

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The bus arrives in front of the Wolfsbottom gate with a security guard.

"Morning." The Security Guard said.

"Howdy." Larry said.

"Who are you to see, sir?" The Security Guard asked.

"I'm Larry Gablegobble, and I'm here to see Mr. Wolfsbottom." Larry said.

"What about?" The Security Guard asked.

"Uh- -ha ha ha! Well, it's about, um, your lawn. You know, I could make it greener." Larry said.

Meanwhile, Rodrigo, T-Bone, Yang and everyone else were hiding behind inside the bus, hearing the conversation.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." The Security Guard said.

"But I only need a minute." Larry said.

Larry then exits the bus to talk more with the Security Guard. The group then came out of hiding.

"So much for Plan A." Yang said.

"Mm-hmm. Then it's time for plan double-A." Shackleford said.

"Double-A?" Weiss asked confused.

"Amazing Animals and Humans." Shackleford said.

Shackleford then got on top of a big crate in the bus.

"Cleo and Blake, special connecting cable." Shackleford said.

"Got it." Cleo said.

Blake nod in agreement.

Dorothy, auxiliary transport system." Shackleford said.

"Got it." Dorothy said.

"Dirk, grapple hook." Shackelford said.

Dirk then brings out a shirt hanger.

"Dude... P'Shaw." Dirk said.

"All right, team, this is it. This is not a contest. It's the real thing. We're gonna do this to save our friends Clifford and Ruby. Are you with me?" Shackleford said.

"Yeah!" The animals and _WBY cheered.

"Ha! Then let's get ready to rumble!" Shackleford said.

The animals and _WBY head to the roof of the bus to initiate the plan. Dirk uses his rocket shoes to send him above the wall and attaching the shirt hanger with Gambol Shroud, attached to the shirt hanger to a satellite dish on the mansion. Shackleford sees that Dirk was successful. 

"All righty. Let's move, people." Shackleford said.

The animals and the girls then make their way to roof of the mansion without any detection. Shackleford then ties a rope to a small pipe and sends the rope down to a nearby window.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!" Shackleford said.

The animals and girls go down on the rope and got to the window. Shackleford then opens the window. To the inside of the mansion.

"Ha! We're in." Shackleford said.

The team then split into two groups, the girls go for Ruby while the animals go for Clifford. For the girls they try to see where they were keeping Ruby in. As they look around, Blake sees a guest room door.

"Yang! Weiss! I think this is the room." Blake said.

Yang and Weiss see the guest room door as well and try it. As they open it, they see Ruby Rose on the bed feeling sad.

"Not now Mason, I don't feel like playing your game right now." Ruby said sadly.

"Ruby!" Yang said.

Ruby quickly shot up and looked to see Yang, Blake and Weiss at the door. 

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