Helping a Scared Cow

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Next Morning...

Clifford, Shackleford, T-Bone, Cleo and RWBY were sleeping in sleeping bags outside.

Ruby and Clifford then heard Dorothy trying to regain balance on the tight rope. Clifford and Ruby then head to the stage where Dorothy is.

Dorothy: Aah! Aah! Help! Whoo!

Dorothy is still trying to practice to not look down but keeps looking down so she can see the tight rope below her. But she's unaware that Clifford and Ruby are behind her.

Clifford/Ruby: Hi Dorothy.

Dorothy then accidentally fell off the tight rope due to the surprise Clifford and Ruby gave her.

Clifford: Sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you.

Ruby: Same here. Are you okay?

Dorothy: Oh, don't worry you two. It's not the first time this cow's been tipped.

Dorothy then gets back up.

Clifford: Are you sure you're all right?

Ruby: Yeah, that must've hurt a little bit.

Dorothy: Oh, I'm just— I'm j— Can I tell you two a secret?

Clifford/Ruby: Sure.

Dorothy: I have this little problem with heights.

Clifford: Really? You do?

Ruby: Hey, it's okay to be afraid of heights. A lot of people have a fear of heights all the time.

Dorothy: You think so Ruby?

Ruby: Yeah. I have a few friends that are afraid of heights. So it's a normal thing to have.

Dorothy: But still, I know it makes it look so easy up there, but it is not! I mean, I get scared when I'm up there, and then I mess up, and now I'm all worried that I'm gonna ruin our chances to win the big contest and everyone will be so disappointed, and I just feel awful.

Clifford then jumps over the sheets while Ruby uses her Petal Boost to go above as well.

Clifford: Well, back home whenever Emily Eliz-

Dorothy/Ruby: Who?

Clifford then heard of what he said.

Clifford: Uh, whenever a friend of mine felt bad, I'd give her a ride. A ride always helped make her feel better.

Dorothy: A ride? Really? Well, can I try?

Ruby: Oh! Can I try too?

Clifford: Sure you two, hop on.

Clifford then bends down so the two can get on him. Dorothy goes first and then Ruby goes on nexts, Clifford then slowly gets up. Ruby and Dorothy then holds on to Clifford tight so they won't fall off. The three then exit the festival entrance and take a little fresh air walk around. Thankfully the festival was in the forest, not in the city of Vale so no one would get scared of Clifford. 

Dorothy: You never dropped anybody, right, Clifford?

Then a baby bird then lands on Dorothy's nose until the mama bird came in from behind, and they both flew away. Dorothy then lets go of Clifford collar and Ruby lets go of Clifford's fur to feel the breeze.

Dorothy was amazed that she conquered her fear of heights while Ruby was having the time of her life behind her. 

Dorothy: This is great!

Clifford: See? I thought it might help you feel better.

Dorothy: This is exactly what I needed. I'm really high up, and I'm not scared. I'm...not...scared!

Ruby: *chuckles* Will you look at that.

The three then head back to the others to show Dorothy is no longer scared of heights now.


Cleo, T-Bone, Dirk, Rodrigo, Yang, Weiss and Blake were happy for Dorothy about her fear of heights is over while Larry and Shackleford went to see for themselves. Larry then looks up when he heard a moo and saw Dorothy on a tight rope and not panicking.

Larry: Holy... cow.

Yang: You can say that again.

Larry then goes to Clifford.

Larry: Big Red, Ruby! First you two save the show, and the both of you help Dorothy! You both really are amazing!

Shackleford felt jealous of Ruby and Clifford.

Timeskip again...

The bus was now on the road to the next location for their show. 

They were traveling all over remnant from Vale, to Atlas.

During the show in Atlas, Cleo and Weiss were doing their part in the show. Weiss used her glyphs to boost Cleo up in the air and lands on a mini table with Clifford, Dorothy, Dirk and Rodrigo.

They then went to Vacuo for their next show.

Rodrigo and Yang were showing everyone their strength, but Rodrigo was losing his balance and was about to hit Shackleford. Yang dropped her weight balls and helped get Rodrigo's weight balls balanced while Clifford made sure that Rodrigo wouldn't fall off the stage nor hit Shackleford.

They were still in Vacuo trying to find a place to set up the show for the night, while the bus and everything else were having trouble of going up a hill. Shackleford then looks at his rear view mirror and thought Clifford was then one making the bus having trouble going up a hill. But thankfully, they were able to get up the hill and continue the tour.

Show, after show, everything went perfectly. No accidents, no fears and no one was thinking the show was lame thanks to Clifford and RWBY.

Then their show including Clifford and RWBY were on the newspapers all over Remnant. After the last show for the night, Shackleford was really jealous of RWBY and Clifford stealing his spotlight.

But little does Shackleford know... things are about to get worse for him and his reputation.

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