The Wolfsbottom Hotel

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Meanwhile with the gang...

Larry's Amazing Animals and _WBY were finally in a room they were assigned in the hotel and think of a plan hopefully get Clifford and Ruby back.

"You guys relax, I'm calling Wolfsbottom. We'll get Big Red and Ruby back, before you know it." Larry said.

Larry then left the room to make the call. Meanwhile for Shackleford, he was living it up in the hotel room. He turned on some loud music and jammed to it. The others however, they were not happy. While Yang was still upset that her sister got taken and Blake comfort her, Weiss then went to the music machine and turned it off with a stern look on her face, making Shackleford stop dancing. He then saw a water bed with fish in it.

"Ooh! Check it out! A water bed!" Shackleford said.

He then got on the bed and started to jump on it.

"Sure beats a lumpy seat in the back of the bus, huh, gang?" Shackleford asked.

He then stopped bouncing and laid on the water bed.

"Ooh, finally, the sweet smell of success." Shackleford said.

Shackleford then smelled the fridge on his left and went to it. 

"Or is it snacks?" Shackleford asked himself.

As he opens the fridge, it's filled with beverages, drinks and all kinds of food inside. 

"Whoa! Snacks galore! And it's all free!" Shackleford said.

He then grabs some from the fridge and shows a bag a popcorn in his right hand.

"Who wants popcorn?" Shackleford asked.

He didn't get a response from the group, so he got two drinks for two of his friends.

"Hey, Dorothy. Look, girl. Non-dairy creamer." Shackleford said.

"No, thanks, I'm not hungry." Dorothy said.

He then tries Rodrigo with his favorite drink.

"Rodrigo, mi hermano, guava cactus, baby! Your favorite!" Shackleford said.

"No, gracias." Rodrigo said.

Shackleford then toss the drink away and talks to why they were down in the dumps.

"What is wrong with you guys? You should be happy." Shackleford said.

"The only reason we aren't happy right now is because Clifford got taken and my sister as well." Yang said sadly with her arms hugging her legs.

"Again with Clifford and Ruby?" Shackleford asked annoyed.

"Clifford and Ruby are the best! They believed in us!" Rodrigo said.

"Yeah. They should be here with us, man." Dirk said.

"They made me feel so... dainty." Dorothy said.

Then, due to Dorothy's weight, the couch she was sitting on went down, but only the legs of the couch.

"Well, Clifford only cared about was the food. He was only in it for the eats. Once he won it, he was out of here. He didn't care about us, he was in it for himself. And don't get me started with Ruby-"

Weiss and Cleo then heard enough of Shackleford's bad bickering about Ruby and Clifford.


Weiss then noticed her voiced and stopped herself, she turned around and saw a gentle smile from Yang and mouthed 'Thank you'. Weiss then smiled back.


Cleo was then cut off from T-Bone's paw on her mouth.

"Who's Emily?" Blake asked.

Cleo then removed T-Bone's paw from her mouth and walked to Shackleford with a pissed off face.

"Emily Elizabeth! She's his owner back on Birdwell Island." Cleo said.

The animals and _WBY were surprised about this discovery as Cleo heads to a chest. She then brings out her tag, T-Bone's Tag and finally, Clifford's really big tag. 

"That's a big tag." Yang said.

Shackleford was the most surprised about this discovery.

"But you said you didn't have families. You said these tags were fake and you only use 'em to fool the dogcatcher. Why would you make that up?" Shackleford asked confused.

"Because, you said Larry wouldn't take us in if we had owners. Clifford really needed to win that dog food to help Emily Elizabeth and the Howards. We had no other choice!" Cleo explained.

Shackleford then slumped down in shame and sat on the water bed.

"Aw, man. So all Big Red wanted was to help out his family. I messed up, guys." Shackleford said.

Weiss then sat down next to Shackleford.

"It's not your fault Shackleford. You didn't know, nor me, Yang, Blake nor Ruby knew as well." Weiss said.

"But now I do. Let's go." Shackleford said.

Shackleford then got off the water bed and heads to the door.

"Where?" Cleo asked.

"To see a man about a dog and girl." Shackleford said as he left the room.

Larry was in the other room, trying to get Clifford and Ruby back from Wolfsbottom.

"You dog-napped and kidnapped Big Red and Ruby, and I want them back!" Larry said.

"Well, that's too bad, because those two just love their new life of luxury. They're Wolfsbottoms now." Wolfsbottom said on the phone.

Wolfsbottom then ends the call on his end. Larry then sees Shackleford at the door.

"Hey, buddy. What's the matter?" Larry asked.

Then, T-Bone and Cleo walk to the front of the door to reveal their name tags on their necks, surprising Larry.

"You - You have owners?" Larry said.

"That's not all Larry." Blake said.

Larry looks up to see Blake and Shackleford rolling Clifford's name tag to Larry and places it down in front of him. Larry then knew what to do.

"We have a dog to fetch and a girl to rescue." Larry said.

Then, Larry picks up the phone again, but this time, he calls the number on the name tag.

"Hello?" A girl's voice asked.

"Are you by any chance the owner of a very large, very red dog?" Larry asked.

After the conversation was over on the phone, Yang and Weiss enter the room and then give Larry a phone number. Larry punches the numbers on the dial and waits for the other side of the phone to answer. The phone gets answered.

"Hello, this is the Xio Long residence. Tai Xio Long speaking." Tai said.

 Larry then speaks.

"Are you by any chance the father of an average height, spirited and dark red haired girl?" Larry asked.

After the second conversation on the phone was over, Larry, the animals and _WBY hatch a plan to get Ruby and Clifford back from Wolfsbottom.

A/N: I'm very sorry that I haven't been uploading things for a long time, things have been happening a lot at my end but I'm letting you all know that I'm still alive. Also, it's been a long time since I've done this story and sorry that this chapter was short, but I hope you all enjoyed it and they'll be more soon.

Titan, signing off.

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